Category Archives: Confidence

In My Pajamas

Singing Clowns and Zombie Moths

I saw this pretty funny comedy a few weeks ago on Netflix.

Called “Punching the Clown.”

About this comedian who had a weird style.

He would play these goofy songs on stage, and in the songs would be his routine.

The story was a parody of sorts, and it was about his “rise and fall” in Hollywood.

It started with him living in his car, and ended the same.

One of the funniest parts was when he was pitching his routine to some big shot media executive.

The exec kept interrupting him.

The hero would start one of his “joke songs” but before he got a couple of lines out, the exec would stop him.

“Ok, how about your FUNNIEST joke then?” he would say.

The joke was that jokes are usually only funny if you don’t see them coming.

Even stand up comedians have to keep the jokes coming so fast it’s hard to keep up.

This is how humor works.

Our brains HAVE to be off balance.

The media exec was treating jokes as a physical thing. As if the “funniness” of a joke was objective and could be measured.

As if you could take out all your jokes, lay them on the table, and line them up on order of funniness.

But if you’ve ever successfully told a joke, you know that sometimes they work, and sometimes they don’t.

The the best way to tell a joke isn’t to wait for a lull in the conversation, and then say, “OK, everybody, I just learned this new joke, pay close attention!”

That would almost GUARANTEE nobody would laugh.

So we instinctively know that we keep our jokes on ice until the right time to spring them.

If you’ve got a lot of witty one liners, you aren’t in any rush to get them out.

You wait until a relevant point in the conversation, say them and BECAUSE they are unexpected, they will have the biggest impact.


I was sitting around with my friends once. We were talking about life after death. Serious subject! Everybody was trying to outdo each other with our deep metaphysical insight.

Then my friend says, (totally seriously), “I hear we become moths after we die.”

We all looked at him.


“Yeah, that’s why people that come back say they kept going toward a big light…”

Now, this is likely one of the lamest jokes you’ll ever hear. But said at JUST the right moment, it will make people laugh.

Which is EXACTLY how hypnosis works.

Sure, there’s DIRECT hypnosis, where you TELL the person you are hypnotizing them.

Then there is INDIRECT, or covert hypnosis.

The problem is many people treat “covert hypnosis” like the Punching the Clown Executive.

They tell everybody they are about to DO hypnosis.

Which kills the effect.

But when you USE HYPNOSIS like the moth joke (spring it when people least expect it) it will spin their minds around like crazy.

And unlike jokes, which are short, you can make hypnosis as LONG as you want.

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Driven Forward

Awaken Your Inner Explorer

What is the human spirit?

It’s been the subject of poetry, movies, music and philosophy since the dawn of time.

It’s cool to talk about, sometimes beautiful to describe.

But what IS it?

Is it possible to describe from a purely biological perspective?

Let’s give it a try from a purely evolutionary perspective.

One way to look at any human “trait” is to imagine a couple groups of ancient people, some who had the trait, some who didn’t.

So, how would something philosophical like the “human spirit” be represented in a group of ancient people?

How would we know the difference between those who had “it” and those who didn’t?

I imagine two groups of cave people. One group is content to sit around in a particular valley.

Maybe they thought they had enough food, enough shelter, that it was “good enough.”

Then there was another tribe, who ALWAYS wondered what was over the next hill.

Even though they’d gone over hundreds of similar hills before, and found more or less the same thing, something in them kept driving them forward.

This second group, the one who had this mysterious “spirit” are the ones that populated the Earth.

They are the ones that took risks, paddling canoes across huge oceans, using only the stars to guide them.

They are the ones that spread out and figured out how to live under nearly every condition imaginable.

That other tribe, that figured a few trees and some animals to hunt once in a while was “good enough,” what happened to them?

Sadly, we can see those people among us as well.

Even within ourselves.

Whenever we accept things the way they are.

Whenever we sit around and hope “somebody else” is responsible for solving our problems.

But just as surely as we flip the channels around and stare at social media all day, that ancient drive still exists.

Patiently waiting for you to wake it up.

Once you do, you can become an explorer of your own life.

Learning more, doing more, experiencing more, discovering more.

There’s a HUGE world out there.


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Weaponized Language

De-Weaponized Language Patterns

One of the powerful patterns of covert hypnosis is something called “linguistic presuppositions.”

It’s kind of sentence that requires we accept part of it before we answer the sentence.

People use them all the time without knowing it, but often the wrong way.

For example, if you walk in a retail shop, the clerk might say, “Can I help you?”

Which is easy to say, “No, thank you.” Since it’s a simple question.

But what if he or she says, “How can I help you today?”

It’s ALMOST the same, but not quite. He or she is PRESUPPOSING that they ARE going to help you, it’s just a question of HOW.

If you can imagine both, you’ll find the second takes a bit longer to shake your head and say, “No, thank you.”

Simple questions, especially if they are said politely, are hard to ignore, from a structural standpoint.

Meaning part of us wants to answer the “how” part but then we decide not to before shaking our head.

While the first question, (can I help you) takes a lot less time and mental processing power.

Most people use these linguistic presuppositions to HIDE THINGS they don’t want questioned.

A FANTASTIC way to see how these are used negatively is by listening to how reporters phrase their questions to politicians they don’t like.

Weaponized language patterns.

I’m sure you know people who are EXPERTS at using weaponized language patterns.

They ask a question, and there’s some nasty stuff embedded in there, and you aren’t sure if you should answer them or punch them in the face.

But you can, as they say, flip the script.

Presuppose POSITIVE THINGS about the person you are talking to, they’ll feel really good, and they won’t know why.

What kinds of things?

Everybody wants a better future.

And everybody has anxiety about their future.

Which means they’re worried about their future.

All you’ve got to do is talk to them and presuppose their future will be BRIGHT, and any potential problems will be TINY.

And just by answering your carefully worded questions, they’ll feel FANTASTIC and they might not even know why.

But they’ll know it has something to do with YOU.

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Super Charisma

Top Secret Charisma Technique

Everybody would like to BE charismatic.

And many (certainly not all) people who consider themselves introverts would like to be more “extroverted,” at least in some situations.

One of the things that messes us up is our instincts.

The easiest to understand is hunger.

It worked great back in the day when we had to hunt for our food.

But today when there are fast food places all over, it’s not such a great asset.

Many of our instincts are like that.

They were designed for the OPPOSITE kind of society that we live in.

How we communicate to others is a perfect example.

Back then, there wasn’t much to talk about.

Since our lives were fairly limited.

Only in the last few hundred years has the amount of STUFF exploded.

Imagine what it must have been like only a few hundred years ago.

Suppose you lived on a farm. What would you daydream about?

You wouldn’t have NEARLY as much stuff in your experience, so you wouldn’t be able to daydream about much.

If you were lucky, you might have had access to books with pictures.

But today, with all the wicked special effects and rapidly advancing technology, we can use THAT stuff to start from.

Which means we can imagine quite a bit.

Which means when you talk to OTHER people about the stuff they like to IMAGINE, you can get them pretty fired up.

But it involves talking to people OPPOSITE of how our monkey brains are wired.

Our egos want to impress them with US and OUR STUFF.

That’s kind of the equivalent if our ancient hunger instinct wanting to eat everything in sight.

It sort of “feels good” but at the same time we sort of suspect it’s not the best strategy.

Luckily, flipping our “conversation switch” to a more modern, effective approach is WAY EASIER than flipping our hunger switch.

All you’ve got to do is FORGET about YOU, and ask about THEM.

And they’ll get fired up, excited to finally talk in detail about the stuff they want.

They’ll remember YOU associated with those feelings.

Which means you can sort of “sneak your way” into their brains as an ultra-charismatic person.

Even if you are an introvert.

Giving you the best of both worlds.

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Get Massive Confidence

Massive Confidence Drills

Here’s a goofy experiment to try.

Cold approach a bunch of girls, but specifically DON’T ask for their number.

Meaning walk up, say an obviously cheesy line, but DO NOT number close.

Just talk to her enough to get her smiling, and then split.

She’ll give you a priceless look.

Because she’s likely never experienced this before.

Most guys walk up to her, a little nervous, and ALWAYS with the intention of getting her number.

So when you purposely DON’T ask for her number, she won’t really know what’s going on.

Sure, the first couple of times it may feel kind of strange.

But after you see the look on her face, it will feel pretty cool.

It’s a very SUBTLE (and it HAS to be subtle) way of saying, “I’m confident enough to talk to you, make you smile, but I’ve got more important things than beg you for attention.”

If you keep a playful attitude, she’ll wonder what the heck is going on.

Do this enough, and you’ll build up MASSIVE confidence.

World class athletes are world class because they practice A LOT.

World class ANYBODY is world class because they practice a lot.

So see these as approach drills. Since you’re NOT EVER going to ask for ANYBODY’S number (nor give yours when she asks) there’s no chance of rejection.

These drills will build up MASSIVE confidence.

The kind of confidence that pulls high quality women out of the woodwork.

All eager to meet you.

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Conquer The Planet - Not Women

Never Let Her Catch You

It’s been said that there are two great tragedies in life.

Not achieving your goals, and achieving them.

What in the world does this mean?

If you achieve them, it feels cool for a while. But then what? Contrary to popular desires, having something isn’t nearly as rewarding as pursuing something.

So long as that something is big and important to you, for your own reasons.

Humans feel on purpose in the pursuit.

That’s when we feel most alive.

So when we get to a point where we finally get there, we lose that feeling of being “on purpose.”

On the other hand, if we ever have to face a reality that our goals are absolutely unobtainable, that sucks even more.

One of the crazy ways this plays out is with females and relationships.

Women are hard wired to chase, but not quite get.

So when they “get” (or think they get) it messes everything up.

This story plays out again and again.

Girl is attracted to a guy. Girl chases guy, and “gets” him. Then she “domesticates” him.

But once he’s “domesticated,” she no longer feels the thrill of the chase, or the “spark of romance” in the relationship.

She has him, but it’s not the same as ALMOST having him.

She gets bored, and she starts to look elsewhere for the same excitement.

The poor guy, of course, has no idea what’s going on.

How can you avoid this?

Never let her “fully” catch you.

ALWAYS be chasing something, so she always has to chase you.

Don’t ruin it (for both of you) by letting her catch you.

Always have something big that you’re pursuing.

Even if it’s decades out in the future.

If you have something HUGE (according to you) that you are pursuing, this is the most attractive thing a woman can find.

A Driven Man who has big plans for his life.

She’ll test you, she’ll want to control you, but deep down, she WANTS to keep chasing you.

Let her, and always be one step ahead.

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Mind Persuasion Manifest Women

Learn Her Triggers of Desire

If you put together the correct ingredients for a cake, and put it in the right pan in the right oven at the right temperature for the right amount of time, you’ll get a cake.

Every single time.

You won’t sometimes get a cake, or only get a cake if you are lucky. But if you do the same things on the front end, you’ll get the same things on the back end.

Einstein’s way of describing this curious facet about reality is that “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.”

Meaning the laws of nature are NOT based on randomness.

Sure, they can SEEM random if we don’t understand the underlying rules, and how the rules might interact with each other.

For example, if you tried to bake a cake a the bottom of the ocean, you probably wouldn’t get a cake. You’d get a soggy salty mess.

People are the same way.

It can sure seem that we’ve all got these “random behavior generators” in our brains, but we really don’t.

All of us look out into the world with an idea of what we want.

And based on our understandings of our skills, and the world, we’ll take certain actions to get what we want.

This same process happens whether or not we’re taking a leak in the middle of the night or building a boat in our backyard.

We are also subject to stimuli.

If you feel a rat crawl across your foot as you’re eating dinner, you’ll recoil in horror.

If you see a little kid running across a room with a happy expression on his face, you’ll probably smile.

And if you exhibit the right behavioral patterns and communication strategies, you’ll create attraction in women.

Every single time.

Whether or not you or they act on it is a different story.

But creating attraction and desire is pretty simple once you get your mind around it.

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Chase The Money

Chase Wealth and Women Will Chase You

On a fundamental level, women are supposed to follow men.

Well, “supposed to” is kind of a strong word.

But that’s how we are designed.

That’s how we humans operate most efficiently.

Men chase life, and women chase men.

Think of our ancient ancestors. Men were always out hunting.

And the animals they hunted didn’t just hang around in the same spot all day.

Most of the time, they migrated. So the men migrated.

And the women and children, who were utterly dependent on the men for their survival, had to follow them.

Because this lifestyle existed for so long, it’s built into our DNA.

Women feel most congruent when they are following a man.

But not just any beta goof.

They have to be following a DRIVEN MAN who is out chasing wealth.

Because THAT is what those animals were.


Meat for food. Skin for clothes. Bones for weapons and jewelry.

Sure, the women did their share. They gathered.

But there’s only so much use for roots and whatever else they could dig up.

So, think of your life.

How do YOU define wealth?

Are you chasing it?

Because that’s what your ancestors did. And they didn’t do it only when it was easy, or the weather was good.

They did it every single day.

And the ones that were BEST at chasing wealth?

Those were the guys that ALL the ladies wanted.


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Secret Skills

Secret Exercises for Secret Skills

Being flexible is always better than not being flexible.

Well, it’s never a good idea to say something like “always.”

(Or “never” lol).

For example, there are some mathematical formulas that everybody BELIEVES are absolutely true, but nobody can prove them.

In fact, there a couple million dollar REWARDS for anybody who CAN prove these things really ARE true for all numbers.

Generally speaking, being flexible is a good trait.

Touching your toes without bending your knees.

Thinking of different ways of achieving the same goals.

For example, a guy who can think of a couple dozen business ideas is generally going to do better than somebody who has only one.

One of the more useful ways of being flexible is in your thinking.

The more “meanings” you can give an event, the more resourceful you’ll be.

Of course, this “meanings” have to be grounded in reality.

If you miss the bus and you decides that “means” there is an intergalactic conspiracy against you, that might not be a good way to frame the event.

One of the places where meaning is the most flexible is in social situations.

In those situations, being able to hold a strong frame (choose a specific meaning and stick with it) is more important than people realize.

Simply because most people are not very good at this (choosing a meaning consciously and sticking to it) being able to do this will significantly increase how favorably people experience.

Which people?

All people.

Job interviewers, guys and girls, people on the street, waitresses, bartenders.

When you “radiate” the energy of somebody who KNOWS what’s happening, and NOT the energy of somebody who “hopes,” people will experience you must differently.

Now, not only do most people not even think about these things, but to the extent they do, they assume this “energy” is something some people have, and some people don’t.

Luckily, being able to cultivate and consciously project that energy is a skill.

And by simply doing easy exercises and journaling, you can build up that skill.

So much that people will hardly recognize you.

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Alien Invasion

Essential Skills For Alien Invasions

One of my hobbies is reading doom and gloom economic blogs.

This type of thing has been around since forever.

(not blogs, but doom and gloom ideas)

Go back in time, anywhere, and you’ll find a certain percentage of people thinking that the end is near.

Even in the song, “Roadhouse Blues,” Jim Morrison tells us, “the future’s uncertain and the end is always near…

One thing that modern blogs (of the doom and gloom type) talk about is how to withstand the coming economic collapse. (Or zombie apocalypse or whatever).

And that is to maximize your “human capital” value.

For example, if the world financial system were to collapse (maybe due to an alien invasion or something) all you would have would be what you physically had, AND what you could work with others to produce.

Which would mean you would need a high degree of social confidence.

Even world class entrepreneurs, who have built many businesses from scratch, when asked if they had to start over, what skills would they keep, they ALWAYS answer, “people skills.”

Being able to talk to another human, especially somebody you don’t know that well, and convince them of the validity of your idea is a pretty good skill to have, alien invasion or not.

Even if you think and hope that the economy will keep humming (or limping) along indefinitely, your ability to interact with other people will help you succeed no matter WHAT kind of business you’re in.

Luckily, it’s one of the EASIEST skills to learn, since we humans are VERY social creatures.

And it’s not really a matter of LEARNING what to do, it’s just a matter of UNLEARNING things that aren’t working.

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