Author Archives: george

All Girls Want You

Choose From The Girls Who Chase You

Once you are in the beginning stages of dating a girl, there is a LOT of uncertainty.

How often to text, when to text, what to say, when to call.

It can help to understand a couple of things.

One is she has absolutely no control of how she feels about you.

If humans could control our feelings, none of us would be overweight. We would simply decide to not be hungry.

Or there wouldn’t be such a wide range of food available.

If we could control how we felt, we could simply “decide” to enjoy a protein shake as much as a cheeseburger. Then we would all be skinny and there would be no need for any fast food restaurants.

Luckily, this isn’t the case.

What determines her feelings for you?


Think about music. They say that the space in between the notes are just as important as the notes themselves.

Take Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. Change the tempo and cram all the notes in a few seconds. It would sound horrendous.

What makes it so beautiful is HOW the notes are spaced out.

So in the beginning, HOW you space yourself out (your communication with her) is JUST as important as what you say and do when you are with her.

Here’s the second important idea.

All of human instincts were baked into our DNA when we were hunter gatherers.

When there were no phones, no way to communicate other than face to face talking (or grunting or whatever).

For a caveman’s ENTIRE LIFE, a guy and his girl were ALWAYS APART during the day WITHOUT communication.

Sometimes days at a time.

Which means if you are going to create attraction that resonates with her deep self, texting is going to hurt much more likely than it’s going to help.

Of course, this is VERY HARD to do (not text) when you’re totally into her.

This is why it’s a good idea to NOT CHASE girls. Instead, get them to chase you.

How do you do that?

Build a huge dream for yourself. Something YOU are chasing your entire life.

This will change your behavior and communication style in a dramatic way.

Girls will notice this. And then you’ll notice them noticing them.

Then you can just pick from whichever you want, and let her chase you.

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Get Girls With Daily Practice

Four Essential Ideas To Increase Success

Much can be learned from observing.

In fact, if you DON’T observe, you’re missing out a ton of free information.

Unfortunately, a lot of people switch to observing as a DEFENSIVE strategy.

Meaning they’re out in public, they see some attractive women they’d like to interact with, but they have social anxiety of some kind.

(EVERYBODY has social anxiety of some kind!)

But they don’t admit that to themselves.

They think that they are “observing,” when they’re really just “wishing” they had enough courage to get in the game.

Which means they are not really learning-observing.

But when you REALLY observe, you can learn A LOT.

Meaning if you SPECIFICALLY go out just to observe people, to watch their behavior, to see how people interact, you can learn a TON.

And this is extremely beneficial when you choose days to OBSERVE, and days to EXPERIMENT.

Both of these are not “normal” days, where you are hoping to actually meet girls and create relationships.

Think of it like martial arts, or some other sports.

There is value in watching videos of other players. (Observation)

There is value in practicing certain moves.(Practice)

Then there is game day. Real life.

Most people don’t consciously choose which is which.

They start out thinking it’s “game day” but then get blown out and redefine it as “practice.

Or they start out thinking it’s “game day” but don’t do ANY approaches, and then later redefine that as “observation.”

But when you clearly distinguish those three, and stick to them, your “game” can be dramatically accelerated.

Especially when you have a framework around to observe, learn, experiment, practice and then let loose on “game day.”

Put all of these together, and your success with women can significantly increase in a very short amount of time.

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Always Be Chasing Something Important

Get Women To Follow You

Most guys would do anything to get “a girl” to like them.

Unfortunately, when it’s gotten to that point, where you like her and she’s already decided she doesn’t like you, it’s too late.

The thing about us people is our brains are really pretty simple.

And by understanding how our brains operate, it’s pretty easy to get us to do stuff, (or get others to do stuff) if you know what you’re doing.

EXCEPT if they’ve made a clear decision BEFORE they interact with you that they DON’T want to do what you’re going to try and persuade them to do.

For example, if you walk onto a car lot and your main goal is to NOT buy a car, it’s going to be VERY HARD to sell you a car.

On the other hand, if you kind of, sort of want a new car, you’ll be a lot easier to persuade.

Which means, if that girl you like has ALREADY DECIDED she’s not interested in dating you, there’s not much you can do.

So it’s much better to focus on other girls.

But when you do that, it’s really pretty simple.

The easiest way to become VERY attractive to many girls is to have a huge plan for your life that will ALWAYS be MORE IMPORTANT than any girl.

This has to be real, it can’t be faked.

Women are hard wired to FOLLOW MEN. Many women are angry today because most men have NOTHING they are going after, which makes it VERY HARD to follow them.

Which means a lot of women are stuck doing the leading, which they HATE.

At least from a sexual-attraction standpoint.

All you need to do is take some time, figure out what you are going to chase (dreams, goals, visions) for your life.

And then start chasing it.

The effect on the women in your life will be profound.

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Mind Persuasion Manifest Women

Learn Her Triggers of Desire

If you put together the correct ingredients for a cake, and put it in the right pan in the right oven at the right temperature for the right amount of time, you’ll get a cake.

Every single time.

You won’t sometimes get a cake, or only get a cake if you are lucky. But if you do the same things on the front end, you’ll get the same things on the back end.

Einstein’s way of describing this curious facet about reality is that “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.”

Meaning the laws of nature are NOT based on randomness.

Sure, they can SEEM random if we don’t understand the underlying rules, and how the rules might interact with each other.

For example, if you tried to bake a cake a the bottom of the ocean, you probably wouldn’t get a cake. You’d get a soggy salty mess.

People are the same way.

It can sure seem that we’ve all got these “random behavior generators” in our brains, but we really don’t.

All of us look out into the world with an idea of what we want.

And based on our understandings of our skills, and the world, we’ll take certain actions to get what we want.

This same process happens whether or not we’re taking a leak in the middle of the night or building a boat in our backyard.

We are also subject to stimuli.

If you feel a rat crawl across your foot as you’re eating dinner, you’ll recoil in horror.

If you see a little kid running across a room with a happy expression on his face, you’ll probably smile.

And if you exhibit the right behavioral patterns and communication strategies, you’ll create attraction in women.

Every single time.

Whether or not you or they act on it is a different story.

But creating attraction and desire is pretty simple once you get your mind around it.

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High Quality Women

Develop Non Verbal Attraction

One of the biggest misunderstandings in the world of “pickup” is the power of words.

Most guys are desperate to learn the right language patterns and structures that will make any girl fall in love with you.

But the problem with this is that the words you use are really icing on the cake.

If you’ve got a crappy cake, the words aren’t going to do much.

Most studies have shown that words only make up 5-10% of our communication anyway.

One of the things that will kill any attraction is desperation, neediness, and lack of self-confidence.

These often go together.

So if you take a “state” of desperation, neediness and lack of self-confidence, and paper over it with the best language patterns on Earth, it will only have a minimum effect.

On the other hand, when you have an irresistibly attractive “state,” it doesn’t matter WHAT you say. She’ll be attracted to you no matter what.

What is THAT state?

A combination of non-neediness, self confidence and relaxed abundance. The OPPOSITE of neediness, lack of self confidence, and desperation.

How do you ditch those three negative emotions and pick up the three positive ones?

By doing simple exercises that will drill those feelings into you, so you radiate them without thinking.

And soon you’ll walk into a place, and KNOW that all the girls are hoping you approach them, and seduce them.

Once THEY all know that each other is thinking the same thing, this will kick off a female-competition.

For you.

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Chase The Money

Chase Wealth and Women Will Chase You

On a fundamental level, women are supposed to follow men.

Well, “supposed to” is kind of a strong word.

But that’s how we are designed.

That’s how we humans operate most efficiently.

Men chase life, and women chase men.

Think of our ancient ancestors. Men were always out hunting.

And the animals they hunted didn’t just hang around in the same spot all day.

Most of the time, they migrated. So the men migrated.

And the women and children, who were utterly dependent on the men for their survival, had to follow them.

Because this lifestyle existed for so long, it’s built into our DNA.

Women feel most congruent when they are following a man.

But not just any beta goof.

They have to be following a DRIVEN MAN who is out chasing wealth.

Because THAT is what those animals were.


Meat for food. Skin for clothes. Bones for weapons and jewelry.

Sure, the women did their share. They gathered.

But there’s only so much use for roots and whatever else they could dig up.

So, think of your life.

How do YOU define wealth?

Are you chasing it?

Because that’s what your ancestors did. And they didn’t do it only when it was easy, or the weather was good.

They did it every single day.

And the ones that were BEST at chasing wealth?

Those were the guys that ALL the ladies wanted.


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Manifest Women

Get Girls To Like You

How do you get a girl to like you?

One of the most common questions since the dawn of time.

Unfortunately, it kind of misses the mark.

If you want to get a good answer, you need to ask the right question.

Imagine if you had a dinner party. You invited a bunch of people over.

You’d already cooked the food, but you were worried they weren’t going to like it.

So you called your friend who was a part time chef, and asked them:

“How do you get somebody to like what you’ve cooked?”

They would probably say, “they’ll either like or they won’t.”

Same thing with girls. If you’re ALREADY asking how to get A girl to like you, it’s too late.

Because she’s probably already made up her mind.

So, what’s a better question?

How do get GIRLS to like you.

Because girls are humans. And they are hard wired to like certain traits in guys.

Traits that guys exhibit whether they know it or not.

And usually traits that most girls don’t fully understand.

They just know that they like some guys, but not others.

How do you become the first category? The guys they naturally like?

First you have to understand what it is.

Then you have to practice it until it becomes second nature.

Then you’ll never need to worry about girls again.


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Secret Skills

Secret Exercises for Secret Skills

Being flexible is always better than not being flexible.

Well, it’s never a good idea to say something like “always.”

(Or “never” lol).

For example, there are some mathematical formulas that everybody BELIEVES are absolutely true, but nobody can prove them.

In fact, there a couple million dollar REWARDS for anybody who CAN prove these things really ARE true for all numbers.

Generally speaking, being flexible is a good trait.

Touching your toes without bending your knees.

Thinking of different ways of achieving the same goals.

For example, a guy who can think of a couple dozen business ideas is generally going to do better than somebody who has only one.

One of the more useful ways of being flexible is in your thinking.

The more “meanings” you can give an event, the more resourceful you’ll be.

Of course, this “meanings” have to be grounded in reality.

If you miss the bus and you decides that “means” there is an intergalactic conspiracy against you, that might not be a good way to frame the event.

One of the places where meaning is the most flexible is in social situations.

In those situations, being able to hold a strong frame (choose a specific meaning and stick with it) is more important than people realize.

Simply because most people are not very good at this (choosing a meaning consciously and sticking to it) being able to do this will significantly increase how favorably people experience.

Which people?

All people.

Job interviewers, guys and girls, people on the street, waitresses, bartenders.

When you “radiate” the energy of somebody who KNOWS what’s happening, and NOT the energy of somebody who “hopes,” people will experience you must differently.

Now, not only do most people not even think about these things, but to the extent they do, they assume this “energy” is something some people have, and some people don’t.

Luckily, being able to cultivate and consciously project that energy is a skill.

And by simply doing easy exercises and journaling, you can build up that skill.

So much that people will hardly recognize you.

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Don't Fall For Self Deception

Ditch Self Deception

Our mind is very clever.

But it’s also like an overprotective mother.

The one who makes you promise when you go outside that you won’t talk to strangers, won’t cross the street, and stay within ten yards of your front door.

This is the whole angle behind cognitive dissonance.

Our own brains don’t let us see things it thinks might hurt our feelings.

Kind of like having your mom walk behind you and cover your ears of she hears people saying curse words.

Take a moment to think about the insidiousness of cognitive dissonance.

Since we literally CAN NOT see what might make us “feel bad,” we are necessarily MISSING plenty of opportunities.

This happens to guys all the time.

They literally (not figuratively or metaphorically) CANNOT see positive signals that girls are giving them.

Their brains figure that if they DID see that cute girl over in the corner who’s been checking him out, he would have to DO something about it.

And that would be very scary.

So that overprotective brain doesn’t let him see it.

So he goes home, and complains to his friends.

“Any luck?” they ask.

“Nope, didn’t see ANY cute girls.”

Look on any pick up, seduction, or relationship forum, and this is the most common complaint.

“I’m not in a relationship because the dating market sucks.”

Because it’s easy to find this belief today, we are even LESS LIKELY to question it.

We “see it” in our experience. (We actually “hallucinate it”). And then it’s verified through social proof.

But here’s a secret trick to self development.

One that FEW PEOPLE have the courage to even contemplate.

Few people get what they want in life.

Most people complain.

And the EASIEST excuse to “accept” (because of that over protective cognitive dissonance) is of the form, “It’s not my fault.”

In fact, if you look over political slogans since the dawn of time, they are of the form:

“Your problems are not your fault. Vote for me and I’ll fix ’em.”

So what’s the secret?

Tell your cognitive dissonance to take a hike.

Even if you TRULY BELIEVE that all of your problems are “somebody else’s fault” pretend, just for a little bit that you HAVE more power than you really think.

Because just by taking a few TINY steps outside of your comfort zone, you’ll start to see those things that you may now be missing.

Don’t accept excuses, especially from yourself.

Get Started:

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No Bananas

Yes There Are No Bananas

Us humans have a lot of blinders.

One of the better known ones is “cognitive dissonance.”

The ability to negatively hallucinate things that would harm our ego.

Like if you got into a huge argument with your spouse or significant other.

She said there were plenty of bananas at the store.

But you said they stopped selling bananas years ago.

You argue for hours, and finally she gives up and lets you win.

Then you go the store, and there ARE bananas.

But your subconscious doesn’t allow you to see them.

Because that would mean admitting not only you were wrong, but you were wrong about something very silly.

So your own brain hypnotizes you so your ego can stay intact.

(In this example, assume your spouse never goes to the store so she can’t buy a banana and throw it at you).

Cognitive dissonance is, by it’s nature, something that’s easy to notice in others, but never in ourselves.

One of the ways it crops up is when we have an opportunity, but we don’t take it.

The REAL REASON we don’t take it is because we are afraid.

Terrified of social exposure and rejection.

But we don’t admit that to ourselves.

We PRETEND that it’s for another reason.

We give ourselves a logical sounding excuse for NOT making an attempt.

We don’t fail, and our ego stays intact.

The problem is the world is OUT THERE.

While our excuses stay IN HERE.

Safely in our heads.

From the world’s standpoint (which means all the other people who see us), the ONLY THING that matters to THEM is what we DO.

They are NOT CONCERNED in the least how we convince ourselves that we really COULD take action if we wanted to.

They just see us NOT taking action.

And they (whoever they are) end up interacting (however they interact) with whoever DOES take action.

Because no matter how clever or brilliant or insightful you are, it’s your ACTIONS that get results, not your thinking.

Anybody can think brilliant thoughts.

But ONLY those with the courage to turn those thoughts into effective ACTIONS will get results.

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