Get Girls With Daily Practice

Four Essential Ideas To Increase Success

Much can be learned from observing.

In fact, if you DON’T observe, you’re missing out a ton of free information.

Unfortunately, a lot of people switch to observing as a DEFENSIVE strategy.

Meaning they’re out in public, they see some attractive women they’d like to interact with, but they have social anxiety of some kind.

(EVERYBODY has social anxiety of some kind!)

But they don’t admit that to themselves.

They think that they are “observing,” when they’re really just “wishing” they had enough courage to get in the game.

Which means they are not really learning-observing.

But when you REALLY observe, you can learn A LOT.

Meaning if you SPECIFICALLY go out just to observe people, to watch their behavior, to see how people interact, you can learn a TON.

And this is extremely beneficial when you choose days to OBSERVE, and days to EXPERIMENT.

Both of these are not “normal” days, where you are hoping to actually meet girls and create relationships.

Think of it like martial arts, or some other sports.

There is value in watching videos of other players. (Observation)

There is value in practicing certain moves.(Practice)

Then there is game day. Real life.

Most people don’t consciously choose which is which.

They start out thinking it’s “game day” but then get blown out and redefine it as “practice.

Or they start out thinking it’s “game day” but don’t do ANY approaches, and then later redefine that as “observation.”

But when you clearly distinguish those three, and stick to them, your “game” can be dramatically accelerated.

Especially when you have a framework around to observe, learn, experiment, practice and then let loose on “game day.”

Put all of these together, and your success with women can significantly increase in a very short amount of time.

Click Here To Learn How

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