High Quality Women

Develop Non Verbal Attraction

One of the biggest misunderstandings in the world of “pickup” is the power of words.

Most guys are desperate to learn the right language patterns and structures that will make any girl fall in love with you.

But the problem with this is that the words you use are really icing on the cake.

If you’ve got a crappy cake, the words aren’t going to do much.

Most studies have shown that words only make up 5-10% of our communication anyway.

One of the things that will kill any attraction is desperation, neediness, and lack of self-confidence.

These often go together.

So if you take a “state” of desperation, neediness and lack of self-confidence, and paper over it with the best language patterns on Earth, it will only have a minimum effect.

On the other hand, when you have an irresistibly attractive “state,” it doesn’t matter WHAT you say. She’ll be attracted to you no matter what.

What is THAT state?

A combination of non-neediness, self confidence and relaxed abundance. The OPPOSITE of neediness, lack of self confidence, and desperation.

How do you ditch those three negative emotions and pick up the three positive ones?

By doing simple exercises that will drill those feelings into you, so you radiate them without thinking.

And soon you’ll walk into a place, and KNOW that all the girls are hoping you approach them, and seduce them.

Once THEY all know that each other is thinking the same thing, this will kick off a female-competition.

For you.

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