Tag Archives: Metaphor

Build Your Future Today

Re-Awaken This Ancient Process

One of the biggest problems facing us humans is a mismatch in our instincts and modern life.

Our instincts were developed to help us thrive in a hunter-gatherer environment.

But since society has been changing FAR MORE rapidly than our instincts can keep up, sometimes they slow us down.

The easiest way to see this is hunger.

Back in the caveman days, it was a BENEFIT to ALWAYS be hungry.

It was a benefit to eat as much as you could whenever there was food available.

Those that DIDN’T have this trait (to always be hungry and to always eat as much as possible whenever possible) were at a significant disadvantage.

Needless to say, if you ate as much as you could TODAY, whenever you had a chance, you wouldn’t be very healthy.

Consequently, something that HELPED us back in the day is something we MUST struggle with constantly.

Another thing that helped back then but can mess us up in all kinds of surprising ways is putting the cart before the horse.

It was a benefit, (it helped to speed up our thinking, and motivate us to action a lot quicker) to “mix up” cause and effect.

If we had to take the time to use pure logic and rationalize everything out, we would have died off LONG ago.

But those who made quick causal connections (A causes B, etc) even when they were FALSE, tended to last longer.

But today, we very rarely assume accurately whenever we make a “connection” between A and B.

News media (and medical researchers) take advantage of this ALL THE TIME.

It’s easy to find a CORRELATION between two things.

But it’s VERY DIFFICULT to prove one is CAUSING the other.

But that doesn’t keep us from ASSUMING that one thing is CAUSING the other.

One of the ways is the confusion between LEARNING and EDUCATION.

Most people think that EDUCATION causes LEARNING.

They both happened at the same time.

That was the stated purpose of “education.”

But could it be that LEARNING happened DESPITE education?

Could it be that whatever you LEARNED during the industrial process of EDUCATION was because of your NATURAL ABILITY to learn, and NOT the structure, or the environment?

After all, EDUCATION has only been around a few hundred years.

But humans have been LEARNING since before we even learned to speak.

In fact, most of the inventions of modern society happened OUTSIDE of traditional “education.”

Which means if you can get in touch with your inner-natural-learner, you can REDISCOVER that ancient process of lifelong learning.

And to NOT satisfy your teacher (or your parents or your boss) but to satisfy YOU.

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Drill Into Some Cookies

Hammer Out Your Skill Zone

There are a lot of good metaphors about our comfort zone.

The elephant that was tied up as a kid, for example.

Then later, they removed the rope, but he still was afraid to go outside of his rope-zone.

That’s all he was comfortable with.

Or the shark whose growth was stunted because he was kept in a small tank.

But the thing about comfort zones is they distort our reality.

Sure, we can see things just on the outside of them, recognize that they make us uncomfortable.

Which means we can sort of define the “boundary” of our comfort zone.

You can think of a small area just outside our comfort zones as a kind of defining “outer limit” of what we MIGHT be capable of.

But beyond that, we really can’t perceive of anything at all.

I had a friend once who was baking cookies. She wanted to make three times as many, but she absolutely COULD NOT do the math required to do so.

So she was stuck.

She had an IDEA of what she wanted, but she couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Imagine somebody, on the other hand, who could EASILY complicated arithmetic in their heads.

They could plan things with a lot more accuracy.

Therefore they could SEE things in their future with a lot more accuracy.

We can only see based on what we MIGHT be able to do, in the case of the comfort zone and the cookies.

Imagine walking down the street in a foreign country, where you have NO IDEA what any of the signs meant.

Imagine that same scenario but with a HUGE “to-do” list.

Shopping, laundry, getting a haircut, buying shoes, etc.

Simple things would be difficult.

The more you are comfortable doing, the more clearly you’ll see MORE options.

The more things you are capable of understanding, the more clearly you’ll see all the opportunities outside of your SKILL zone.

If ALL you have is a hammer, you’ll only find nails.

But if you have a MASSIVE set of tools in your brain, you’ll find a lot more things to use them on.

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Future Predictions

Blaze Your Way Into The Future

It’s hard to be ultra successful in life without at least a little bit of luck.

How much of this “luck” depends on how you define luck.

If you define it as “preparation meets opportunity” that you have a lot of control over how “lucky” you are.

If, on the other hand, you see luck as completely outside of your control, then it can feel frustrating if “other people” are the ones getting lucky all the time.

It certainly helps if you are born with a set of skills that can get you a lot of money, or fame, or whatever else you are looking for.

Some people are born natural athletes, and they don’t do much other than what comes easily.

Same with people who are gifted artists, singers, actors etc.

Most of us have some skills, and with a little bit of work we can make a decent live for ourselves.

On the other hand, with more “focused” work, we can crate some pretty powerful results.

A lot of this has to do with how “efficient” you are in doing things.

There’s that common expression, “work smarter, not harder.”

What EXACTLY does that mean?

It usually means spending most of your time on the things that get the most results.

This, of course, depends on what you are doing.

One thing that will make anything easier is always being on the lookout for new ways of doing things.

Of always having the mindset of, “this works for now, but when something better comes along, I’ll be all over it.”

You can accelerate this even further if you are always PURPOSELY hungry for new information.

To always be looking for ways to improve in some way.

One of the biggest dangers is thinking that “you’ve arrived.”

If you think you’re done, that means you won’t think you need to keep learning.

But in a world with seven billion other people, things don’t stay static for very long.

There will ALWAYS be somebody in front, creating new ways of thinking and doing things.

Why not be one of those people?

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Driven Forward

Awaken Your Inner Explorer

What is the human spirit?

It’s been the subject of poetry, movies, music and philosophy since the dawn of time.

It’s cool to talk about, sometimes beautiful to describe.

But what IS it?

Is it possible to describe from a purely biological perspective?

Let’s give it a try from a purely evolutionary perspective.

One way to look at any human “trait” is to imagine a couple groups of ancient people, some who had the trait, some who didn’t.

So, how would something philosophical like the “human spirit” be represented in a group of ancient people?

How would we know the difference between those who had “it” and those who didn’t?

I imagine two groups of cave people. One group is content to sit around in a particular valley.

Maybe they thought they had enough food, enough shelter, that it was “good enough.”

Then there was another tribe, who ALWAYS wondered what was over the next hill.

Even though they’d gone over hundreds of similar hills before, and found more or less the same thing, something in them kept driving them forward.

This second group, the one who had this mysterious “spirit” are the ones that populated the Earth.

They are the ones that took risks, paddling canoes across huge oceans, using only the stars to guide them.

They are the ones that spread out and figured out how to live under nearly every condition imaginable.

That other tribe, that figured a few trees and some animals to hunt once in a while was “good enough,” what happened to them?

Sadly, we can see those people among us as well.

Even within ourselves.

Whenever we accept things the way they are.

Whenever we sit around and hope “somebody else” is responsible for solving our problems.

But just as surely as we flip the channels around and stare at social media all day, that ancient drive still exists.

Patiently waiting for you to wake it up.

Once you do, you can become an explorer of your own life.

Learning more, doing more, experiencing more, discovering more.

There’s a HUGE world out there.


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Weaponized Language

De-Weaponized Language Patterns

One of the powerful patterns of covert hypnosis is something called “linguistic presuppositions.”

It’s kind of sentence that requires we accept part of it before we answer the sentence.

People use them all the time without knowing it, but often the wrong way.

For example, if you walk in a retail shop, the clerk might say, “Can I help you?”

Which is easy to say, “No, thank you.” Since it’s a simple question.

But what if he or she says, “How can I help you today?”

It’s ALMOST the same, but not quite. He or she is PRESUPPOSING that they ARE going to help you, it’s just a question of HOW.

If you can imagine both, you’ll find the second takes a bit longer to shake your head and say, “No, thank you.”

Simple questions, especially if they are said politely, are hard to ignore, from a structural standpoint.

Meaning part of us wants to answer the “how” part but then we decide not to before shaking our head.

While the first question, (can I help you) takes a lot less time and mental processing power.

Most people use these linguistic presuppositions to HIDE THINGS they don’t want questioned.

A FANTASTIC way to see how these are used negatively is by listening to how reporters phrase their questions to politicians they don’t like.

Weaponized language patterns.

I’m sure you know people who are EXPERTS at using weaponized language patterns.

They ask a question, and there’s some nasty stuff embedded in there, and you aren’t sure if you should answer them or punch them in the face.

But you can, as they say, flip the script.

Presuppose POSITIVE THINGS about the person you are talking to, they’ll feel really good, and they won’t know why.

What kinds of things?

Everybody wants a better future.

And everybody has anxiety about their future.

Which means they’re worried about their future.

All you’ve got to do is talk to them and presuppose their future will be BRIGHT, and any potential problems will be TINY.

And just by answering your carefully worded questions, they’ll feel FANTASTIC and they might not even know why.

But they’ll know it has something to do with YOU.

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Get Lucky

Knock Three Times For Luck

We humans are pretty goofy with our superstitions.

There’s a pretty funny TV show where a guy was staying at his friends house.

The friend’s name was Charlie. Charlie’s mom came downstairs to lock the front door, and then turn out the lights.

But she did everything in threes.

Meaning she locked and unlocked the door three times. Turned the light off and on three times.

Each time counting, “one, two, three.”

Finally Charlie’s friend asked Charlie’s mom why she did that.

“So Charlie doesn’t die,” she said matter-of-factly.

Charlie shrugged, like it was no big deal.

While that was a pretty funny scene, we humans are pretty crazy when it comes to superstitions.

Like “knock on wood,” which means “good luck” originates from back when they thought evil spirits lived in trees, and by knocking the tree, you’d chase away the bad spirits.

Scientists believe that we humans “connect” feelings and emotions to things pretty easily.

It helped us survive when we had to chase food, and sometimes food chased us.

Back in those days, you couldn’t afford to sit around and reason things out.

Yet here we are, connecting goofy feelings to things that don’t really make sense.

Of course, you can use this if you want.

(Just be careful!)

One way is to get people talking about things they really want.

Their ideal future. How they imagine it happening.

The more you get them speaking in specific detail (using their ideas and their words) the better they’ll feel.

And you can easily “connect” those good feelings to pretty much anything you want.

So long as you aren’t overtly cheating them, they’ll love you.

Especially if you’re selling anything.


Because if the product is anywhere close to being a good fit, they’ll ALWAYS associate it with their deepest desires.

Of course, you don’t need to use this to sell things.

If you just want them to feel really good, and associate those good feelings with you, it will work just as well.

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Desperation Is Not Attractive

Why You Should Never Chase

Most humans would love to have a simple, step by step solution to pretty much anything.

Like “what do I say to her to make her like me?”

Just imagine if there really WAS a “magic sentence” you could say to a girl (any girl) that would make her “like you.”

You’d say it, and she’d like you. But then somebody else would say it to her, and she’d like him.

In reality, there IS a simple way to make a LOT of girls like you.

And that is to differentiate yourself from every other lazy guy out there looking for magic tricks.

How do you do that?

Express your interest in her, but not in a needy way.

Always have something cooking that is MORE IMPORTANT than her.

Give her the pleasure of missing you, so she can use her imagination to conjure up romantic images of you.

This, however, is VERY HARD to fake.

If you’ve ever liked a girl more than she likes you, you know what I mean.

Every time she texts you, you go crazy trying to think of the right thing and the right time and the right frequency.

Luckily, if you take the time to CREATE SOMETHING that really WILL be more important than her, this will happen naturally.

Think of it this way, if you CHASE her, she’ll run away.

This will only work for a little bit, until it loses its charm. Women have been more or less following men for most of human history.

On the other hand if you CHASE your life, she’ll CHASE you.

Which means you need to figure out WHAT you will chase for your life.

And think of the girls as the added benefit.

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All Girls Want You

Choose From The Girls Who Chase You

Once you are in the beginning stages of dating a girl, there is a LOT of uncertainty.

How often to text, when to text, what to say, when to call.

It can help to understand a couple of things.

One is she has absolutely no control of how she feels about you.

If humans could control our feelings, none of us would be overweight. We would simply decide to not be hungry.

Or there wouldn’t be such a wide range of food available.

If we could control how we felt, we could simply “decide” to enjoy a protein shake as much as a cheeseburger. Then we would all be skinny and there would be no need for any fast food restaurants.

Luckily, this isn’t the case.

What determines her feelings for you?


Think about music. They say that the space in between the notes are just as important as the notes themselves.

Take Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. Change the tempo and cram all the notes in a few seconds. It would sound horrendous.

What makes it so beautiful is HOW the notes are spaced out.

So in the beginning, HOW you space yourself out (your communication with her) is JUST as important as what you say and do when you are with her.

Here’s the second important idea.

All of human instincts were baked into our DNA when we were hunter gatherers.

When there were no phones, no way to communicate other than face to face talking (or grunting or whatever).

For a caveman’s ENTIRE LIFE, a guy and his girl were ALWAYS APART during the day WITHOUT communication.

Sometimes days at a time.

Which means if you are going to create attraction that resonates with her deep self, texting is going to hurt much more likely than it’s going to help.

Of course, this is VERY HARD to do (not text) when you’re totally into her.

This is why it’s a good idea to NOT CHASE girls. Instead, get them to chase you.

How do you do that?

Build a huge dream for yourself. Something YOU are chasing your entire life.

This will change your behavior and communication style in a dramatic way.

Girls will notice this. And then you’ll notice them noticing them.

Then you can just pick from whichever you want, and let her chase you.

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Mind Persuasion Manifest Women

Learn Her Triggers of Desire

If you put together the correct ingredients for a cake, and put it in the right pan in the right oven at the right temperature for the right amount of time, you’ll get a cake.

Every single time.

You won’t sometimes get a cake, or only get a cake if you are lucky. But if you do the same things on the front end, you’ll get the same things on the back end.

Einstein’s way of describing this curious facet about reality is that “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.”

Meaning the laws of nature are NOT based on randomness.

Sure, they can SEEM random if we don’t understand the underlying rules, and how the rules might interact with each other.

For example, if you tried to bake a cake a the bottom of the ocean, you probably wouldn’t get a cake. You’d get a soggy salty mess.

People are the same way.

It can sure seem that we’ve all got these “random behavior generators” in our brains, but we really don’t.

All of us look out into the world with an idea of what we want.

And based on our understandings of our skills, and the world, we’ll take certain actions to get what we want.

This same process happens whether or not we’re taking a leak in the middle of the night or building a boat in our backyard.

We are also subject to stimuli.

If you feel a rat crawl across your foot as you’re eating dinner, you’ll recoil in horror.

If you see a little kid running across a room with a happy expression on his face, you’ll probably smile.

And if you exhibit the right behavioral patterns and communication strategies, you’ll create attraction in women.

Every single time.

Whether or not you or they act on it is a different story.

But creating attraction and desire is pretty simple once you get your mind around it.

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High Quality Women

Develop Non Verbal Attraction

One of the biggest misunderstandings in the world of “pickup” is the power of words.

Most guys are desperate to learn the right language patterns and structures that will make any girl fall in love with you.

But the problem with this is that the words you use are really icing on the cake.

If you’ve got a crappy cake, the words aren’t going to do much.

Most studies have shown that words only make up 5-10% of our communication anyway.

One of the things that will kill any attraction is desperation, neediness, and lack of self-confidence.

These often go together.

So if you take a “state” of desperation, neediness and lack of self-confidence, and paper over it with the best language patterns on Earth, it will only have a minimum effect.

On the other hand, when you have an irresistibly attractive “state,” it doesn’t matter WHAT you say. She’ll be attracted to you no matter what.

What is THAT state?

A combination of non-neediness, self confidence and relaxed abundance. The OPPOSITE of neediness, lack of self confidence, and desperation.

How do you ditch those three negative emotions and pick up the three positive ones?

By doing simple exercises that will drill those feelings into you, so you radiate them without thinking.

And soon you’ll walk into a place, and KNOW that all the girls are hoping you approach them, and seduce them.

Once THEY all know that each other is thinking the same thing, this will kick off a female-competition.

For you.

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