Author Archives: george

Super Powers Hypnosis

How To Develop Secret Word Power

When I was very young, my sister and I decided to make a pizza.

It’s my earliest memory of cooking.

I don’t remember exactly HOW we made it.

I just remember two things.

Before we made it, we thought it was going to be AWESOME.

But after we made it, it tasted like crap.

I guess we were too young to know about things called “recipes” and that certain foods go well together and some don’t.

We just piled a bunch of stuff on a piece of bread and put it in the toaster oven.


Most of reality has a structure. Laws of chemistry and physics, how atoms are put together.

If you’re a farmer you’ve got have the right soil, weather, climate, etc.

If you planted the wrong seeds in the wrong dirt at the wrong time of year in the wrong climate, you wouldn’t get a tomato plant.

You probably wouldn’t get anything, except maybe frustrated.

But humans have been growing things for a LONG time.

And they’ve slowly changed the way the grow things.

For example, if you look at corn from a couple thousand years ago, it looks TOTALLY different than today.

This is BEFORE any GMO engineering.

This is just smart farmers playing around with different seeds in different places in different amounts.

This is the cool thing about our reality.

It does have structure, but within that structure is a lot of flexibility.

All of the stuff humans has invented is proof of this.

But you don’t have to be an inventor to play around with the rules of reality.

You can do it with the words you use.

Most people don’t think about the words they use, or the thoughts they think that they try to describe with the words they use.

They just have a bunch of jumbled thoughts, and they turn those thoughts into a stream of jumbled up words.

If you listen carefully, most of these “thoughts into word streams” sound pretty similar.

But if you take a little of time to come up with slightly different thoughts, and use some carefully crafted words to DESCRIBE those slightly different thoughts.

You can have a LOT of fun with people.

And get them thinking and even doing some pretty crazy things.

People will think you have secret X-Men powers or something.

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Build Your Future Today

Re-Awaken This Ancient Process

One of the biggest problems facing us humans is a mismatch in our instincts and modern life.

Our instincts were developed to help us thrive in a hunter-gatherer environment.

But since society has been changing FAR MORE rapidly than our instincts can keep up, sometimes they slow us down.

The easiest way to see this is hunger.

Back in the caveman days, it was a BENEFIT to ALWAYS be hungry.

It was a benefit to eat as much as you could whenever there was food available.

Those that DIDN’T have this trait (to always be hungry and to always eat as much as possible whenever possible) were at a significant disadvantage.

Needless to say, if you ate as much as you could TODAY, whenever you had a chance, you wouldn’t be very healthy.

Consequently, something that HELPED us back in the day is something we MUST struggle with constantly.

Another thing that helped back then but can mess us up in all kinds of surprising ways is putting the cart before the horse.

It was a benefit, (it helped to speed up our thinking, and motivate us to action a lot quicker) to “mix up” cause and effect.

If we had to take the time to use pure logic and rationalize everything out, we would have died off LONG ago.

But those who made quick causal connections (A causes B, etc) even when they were FALSE, tended to last longer.

But today, we very rarely assume accurately whenever we make a “connection” between A and B.

News media (and medical researchers) take advantage of this ALL THE TIME.

It’s easy to find a CORRELATION between two things.

But it’s VERY DIFFICULT to prove one is CAUSING the other.

But that doesn’t keep us from ASSUMING that one thing is CAUSING the other.

One of the ways is the confusion between LEARNING and EDUCATION.

Most people think that EDUCATION causes LEARNING.

They both happened at the same time.

That was the stated purpose of “education.”

But could it be that LEARNING happened DESPITE education?

Could it be that whatever you LEARNED during the industrial process of EDUCATION was because of your NATURAL ABILITY to learn, and NOT the structure, or the environment?

After all, EDUCATION has only been around a few hundred years.

But humans have been LEARNING since before we even learned to speak.

In fact, most of the inventions of modern society happened OUTSIDE of traditional “education.”

Which means if you can get in touch with your inner-natural-learner, you can REDISCOVER that ancient process of lifelong learning.

And to NOT satisfy your teacher (or your parents or your boss) but to satisfy YOU.

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Drill Into Some Cookies

Hammer Out Your Skill Zone

There are a lot of good metaphors about our comfort zone.

The elephant that was tied up as a kid, for example.

Then later, they removed the rope, but he still was afraid to go outside of his rope-zone.

That’s all he was comfortable with.

Or the shark whose growth was stunted because he was kept in a small tank.

But the thing about comfort zones is they distort our reality.

Sure, we can see things just on the outside of them, recognize that they make us uncomfortable.

Which means we can sort of define the “boundary” of our comfort zone.

You can think of a small area just outside our comfort zones as a kind of defining “outer limit” of what we MIGHT be capable of.

But beyond that, we really can’t perceive of anything at all.

I had a friend once who was baking cookies. She wanted to make three times as many, but she absolutely COULD NOT do the math required to do so.

So she was stuck.

She had an IDEA of what she wanted, but she couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Imagine somebody, on the other hand, who could EASILY complicated arithmetic in their heads.

They could plan things with a lot more accuracy.

Therefore they could SEE things in their future with a lot more accuracy.

We can only see based on what we MIGHT be able to do, in the case of the comfort zone and the cookies.

Imagine walking down the street in a foreign country, where you have NO IDEA what any of the signs meant.

Imagine that same scenario but with a HUGE “to-do” list.

Shopping, laundry, getting a haircut, buying shoes, etc.

Simple things would be difficult.

The more you are comfortable doing, the more clearly you’ll see MORE options.

The more things you are capable of understanding, the more clearly you’ll see all the opportunities outside of your SKILL zone.

If ALL you have is a hammer, you’ll only find nails.

But if you have a MASSIVE set of tools in your brain, you’ll find a lot more things to use them on.

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Future Predictions

Blaze Your Way Into The Future

It’s hard to be ultra successful in life without at least a little bit of luck.

How much of this “luck” depends on how you define luck.

If you define it as “preparation meets opportunity” that you have a lot of control over how “lucky” you are.

If, on the other hand, you see luck as completely outside of your control, then it can feel frustrating if “other people” are the ones getting lucky all the time.

It certainly helps if you are born with a set of skills that can get you a lot of money, or fame, or whatever else you are looking for.

Some people are born natural athletes, and they don’t do much other than what comes easily.

Same with people who are gifted artists, singers, actors etc.

Most of us have some skills, and with a little bit of work we can make a decent live for ourselves.

On the other hand, with more “focused” work, we can crate some pretty powerful results.

A lot of this has to do with how “efficient” you are in doing things.

There’s that common expression, “work smarter, not harder.”

What EXACTLY does that mean?

It usually means spending most of your time on the things that get the most results.

This, of course, depends on what you are doing.

One thing that will make anything easier is always being on the lookout for new ways of doing things.

Of always having the mindset of, “this works for now, but when something better comes along, I’ll be all over it.”

You can accelerate this even further if you are always PURPOSELY hungry for new information.

To always be looking for ways to improve in some way.

One of the biggest dangers is thinking that “you’ve arrived.”

If you think you’re done, that means you won’t think you need to keep learning.

But in a world with seven billion other people, things don’t stay static for very long.

There will ALWAYS be somebody in front, creating new ways of thinking and doing things.

Why not be one of those people?

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Always Increase Your Thinking Power

Stay Ahead of The Pack

In NLP there’s an idea that flexibility is huge asset.

Meaning if you could choose one “trait,” that would help the most, in most situations, it would be flexibility.

Not the touching-your-toes kind of flexibility, but being flexible in how you can respond in any given situation.

Take a look at humans vs. the rest of the animals, for example.

One thing that gave us an advantage back in the day was a sexual division of labor.

Men hunted, and women gathered.

Compared to all other animals, where both men and women get the same food.

Because we split (for whatever reason) we could live in twice as many environments.

If we couldn’t hunt in any area, we could gather. If we couldn’t gather, we could hunt.

Being individually flexible is also a huge advantage.

If you are given a problem, and you only have one way of solving it, what happens if you get stuck?

But if you always have several ways of solving problems, you can solve a LOT more problems.

Which means you’ll be worth a LOT more money.

Being able to speak several languages is better than only one.

Being fluent in several subjects (math, science, art, etc) is better than one.

Because the world is changing at such a rapid pace, it’s tough to keep up.

Unfortunately, the world isn’t going to sit around and wait while we try and figure out what to do.

It’s going to keep on moving forward.

With or without us.

You can choose to keep up, and prosper.

Or even stay a little bit a head.

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Driven Forward

Awaken Your Inner Explorer

What is the human spirit?

It’s been the subject of poetry, movies, music and philosophy since the dawn of time.

It’s cool to talk about, sometimes beautiful to describe.

But what IS it?

Is it possible to describe from a purely biological perspective?

Let’s give it a try from a purely evolutionary perspective.

One way to look at any human “trait” is to imagine a couple groups of ancient people, some who had the trait, some who didn’t.

So, how would something philosophical like the “human spirit” be represented in a group of ancient people?

How would we know the difference between those who had “it” and those who didn’t?

I imagine two groups of cave people. One group is content to sit around in a particular valley.

Maybe they thought they had enough food, enough shelter, that it was “good enough.”

Then there was another tribe, who ALWAYS wondered what was over the next hill.

Even though they’d gone over hundreds of similar hills before, and found more or less the same thing, something in them kept driving them forward.

This second group, the one who had this mysterious “spirit” are the ones that populated the Earth.

They are the ones that took risks, paddling canoes across huge oceans, using only the stars to guide them.

They are the ones that spread out and figured out how to live under nearly every condition imaginable.

That other tribe, that figured a few trees and some animals to hunt once in a while was “good enough,” what happened to them?

Sadly, we can see those people among us as well.

Even within ourselves.

Whenever we accept things the way they are.

Whenever we sit around and hope “somebody else” is responsible for solving our problems.

But just as surely as we flip the channels around and stare at social media all day, that ancient drive still exists.

Patiently waiting for you to wake it up.

Once you do, you can become an explorer of your own life.

Learning more, doing more, experiencing more, discovering more.

There’s a HUGE world out there.


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Use Your Brain

Is Your Brain An Ornament?

Imagine if you got a box in the mail.

It was really heavy, so you thought it was something cool.

But you opened it up and all it appeared to be was a black shiny object without any buttons or instructions or anything.

But it looked cool, you couldn’t really tell what the material was, so you put it up on your shelf.

Maybe sometimes people would ask about it, and you’d make up some story so you wouldn’t feel like a goof for accepting a strange package and using it as decoration.

Imagine if you went to a garage sale, and found a really cool set of paintbrushes. Maybe a few easels, and a massive set of paints.

While standing there, you looked up something similar on Amazon and found a set of the same stuff sold brand new for several thousand dollars.

And there it was, in front of you, virtually untouched, for five bucks.

You scooped it up, thinking maybe you’d sell it, or maybe even spend some time on YouTube learning the basics of painting.

It might end up being a cool hobby.

But the set of paints ended up in YOUR garage, in the same corner, covered by the same sheet.

We do this all the time.

Get stuff that we WAY underutilize, if we utilize them at all.

The prime example of this is our brains.

Capable of ENDLESS learning. (Well, we can learn as long as we draw breath).

Yet how much of your time is spent learning new things?

Having our brains and using them the way we do would be like spending millions of dollars on the world’s fastest supercomputers, loading them up with the best software available, and then using them to watch YouTube, or check social media.

Problem is that most of us associate learning with school.

With discipline, memorization and learning the most incredibly boring stuff on Earth.

Luckily, our brains are WAY more efficient than that.

And when you learn to unlock your potential, that’s when you’ll REALLY start to appreciate your gifts.

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This Is Not My Beautiful House

They’ll Want You More

When I was a kid we had this dirty trick we’d play on each other.

You told your buddy that if you rubbed your palms really hard together, in a certain direction, it would make them smell like roses.

Then when the “sucker” put his palm up to smell it, somebody would push it into his face.

Then everybody would run, and the “sucker” would chase us.

Then we would all go and do it to somebody else.

As you can guess, it didn’t take long before all the kids knew the “con.”

But the structure has been around for a long time.

Using people’s natural tendencies against them.

This is how goofs like Jim Jones build massive cults that willingly follow him to their deaths.

But driving skills, as they say, can be used to drive a getaway car or an ambulance.

Or a hammer can be used to build a beautiful home or to destroy something.

For example, a very common tendency for us humans, when we hear somebody tell us about their big plans, is to question them.

And not neutrally, usually from a slightly “critical” viewpoint.

Trouble is most of us tell ourselves that we’re “just trying to help.”

Like somebody says they are going on a trip alone to a foreign country.

We say something like, “Wow, isn’t that kind dangerous?”

We pretend that we’re concerned, but in reality we’re jealous.

We’d LOVE to be able to do the same thing, but for one reason or another, we don’t.

And most people don’t really like the idea of other people doing all the fun stuff.

So we throw out the “Wow, isn’t that dangerous?” statement, pretending to be concerned, but really trying to throw a tiny wet blanket on their plans.

OF course, since everybody does this to everybody I’m sure you’ve been on the receiving end quite a few times.

What’s the antidote?

To simply do the opposite.

Instead of saying something silly like, “Wow, isn’t that dangerous?” We can ask them a question that PRESUPPOSES they will be able to handle ANYTHING that comes up.

And this actually WILL help them.

Not only that, but it will make them feel much better about what they’re doing.

The cool thing is you can use this “trick” ANY TIME somebody is talking to you about something they want.

Even if they only “halfway” want it.

By the time the finish talking to YOU, they’ll want it a lot more.

And they’ll associate that WANT with YOU.

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Weaponized Language

De-Weaponized Language Patterns

One of the powerful patterns of covert hypnosis is something called “linguistic presuppositions.”

It’s kind of sentence that requires we accept part of it before we answer the sentence.

People use them all the time without knowing it, but often the wrong way.

For example, if you walk in a retail shop, the clerk might say, “Can I help you?”

Which is easy to say, “No, thank you.” Since it’s a simple question.

But what if he or she says, “How can I help you today?”

It’s ALMOST the same, but not quite. He or she is PRESUPPOSING that they ARE going to help you, it’s just a question of HOW.

If you can imagine both, you’ll find the second takes a bit longer to shake your head and say, “No, thank you.”

Simple questions, especially if they are said politely, are hard to ignore, from a structural standpoint.

Meaning part of us wants to answer the “how” part but then we decide not to before shaking our head.

While the first question, (can I help you) takes a lot less time and mental processing power.

Most people use these linguistic presuppositions to HIDE THINGS they don’t want questioned.

A FANTASTIC way to see how these are used negatively is by listening to how reporters phrase their questions to politicians they don’t like.

Weaponized language patterns.

I’m sure you know people who are EXPERTS at using weaponized language patterns.

They ask a question, and there’s some nasty stuff embedded in there, and you aren’t sure if you should answer them or punch them in the face.

But you can, as they say, flip the script.

Presuppose POSITIVE THINGS about the person you are talking to, they’ll feel really good, and they won’t know why.

What kinds of things?

Everybody wants a better future.

And everybody has anxiety about their future.

Which means they’re worried about their future.

All you’ve got to do is talk to them and presuppose their future will be BRIGHT, and any potential problems will be TINY.

And just by answering your carefully worded questions, they’ll feel FANTASTIC and they might not even know why.

But they’ll know it has something to do with YOU.

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Unlimited Desires

Infinite Candy Supply

When I was a kid it was “cool” to have a couple of Pez dispensers.

Pez was a kind of candy, that you stacked up inside a plastic character.

You’d pull the head back, and it would spit out a candy out of it’s mouth.

They had TONS of different characters. Cartoon characters, superheroes, movie stars, etc.

In covert hypnosis, there’s an idea of “embedded commands.”

It’s one of the more popular (and easy to understand) part of covert hypnosis.

But most people don’t really use them correctly.

I recently watched a highly polished sales video for this kitchen gadget.

I always enjoy reverse engineering those things just to see how much “NLP” is really in there. (Usually not a lot).

And for this highly polished sales video, where they obviously spent a TON of money, how many embedded commands do you think the actor used?


And it was the LAMEST one. The one that EVERYBODY knows.

And he said so obviously, so blatantly, it pretty much ruined it.

It was the famous, “buy now,” command.

“Buy now, you’re realize how powerful this radioactive oven can help you…”

I could only shake my head and chuckle.

Because when you take the time to LEARN EMBEDDED COMMANDS, you’ll be more effective than the top salespeople.

How do you use them correctly?

You need to use a LOT of them, in a row.

Start with easy commands and then slowly move to the harder ones.

(Unlike the goof in the video whose ONLY command was “buy now.”)

But there’s another way.

A much more powerful way.

And that is to use THEIR words in command form.

Here’s an OVERLY SIMPLE example.

Let’s say you ask you buddy what they want in life.

They say they want to become a doctor.

You ask why.

They say they want to “help people.”

That short phrase, “help people,” is ALREADY in the PERFRECT FORM to be used as an embedded command.

Which you can use a few minutes later, wrapped in your ideas.

“When you [follow my advice] you’ll find it’s a great way to HELP PEOPLE because [reason].”

And when you fire off the command, you use a spatial anchor.

One you’ve previously set to mean “something good.”

Here’s the best part.

How many “embedded commands” can you get out of people, when asking them what they want?


Because we all have unlimited wants. And each want can EASILY be expressed in PERFECT embedded command form.

I want to “verb + object.”

I want to HELP PEOPLE.





You can think of these as Pez candies inside people.

And your job is to open them up.

And get them to spit them out like crazy.

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