Tag Archives: Communication

Magic Fantasy Land

How To Leverage Ancient Human Desire

Once upon a time, humans had very little.

It was us and all the other animals.

Eventually, some clever caveman figured out how to sharpen a rock.

Another caveman figured out how sling that rock through the air.

And through this “action at a distance,” they could hunt much more effectively.

The next greatest discovery was the idea of growing stuff to eat, rather than chasing stuff.

Unless you’re stuck in a horror movie, plants don’t tend to fight back when you try to eat them.

AND if you plant them the right way, they’ll keep giving you food every year.

The next greatest invention?

There were a lot of small ones, but the one that REALLY made society explode was the idea of “potential stuff.”

Up until this “potential stuff” was discovered, people had to trade what they had for what they wanted.

For example, if you wanted a burrito, and all you had was a sack of horseshoes, you’d have to find somebody that both WANTED a sack of horseshoes AND had a burrito, preferably one that wasn’t too old and moldy.

Since trading a sack of horseshoes for a burrito was pretty difficult, they needed a “placeholder” for the horseshoes.

Something the guy could trade the horseshoes for, and keep, and then give those same things to the guy who had the burrito.

What was this invention?

This “potential stuff?”

This “placeholder?”

Money, of course!

Once people could trade their stuff for money and keep money, they could live a lot more relaxed.

This same process exists today, even though the chain of money from us to the makers of whatever we are buying is extremely tedious.

AND that nearly everything we buy is made from TONS of people. Just think of all the people involved in the production of the device you are now reading this on.

The engineers, the designers, the advertisers and marketers, all the scientists from hundreds of years ago that discovered the principles upon which this device is based.

Even the first dudes who invented written language are involved.

Every single “trade” from the dawn of time to the time you bought this device and everything you’ll buy today, involve the same process.

We want what we DON’T have MORE than what we are giving in exchange.

Every single time somebody trades something, whether it’s a few hundred dollars for a wired device, to kids trading baseball cards, the process is the same.

And the GREAT NEWS is that what they WANT is based on THEIR own subjective values.

Why is this great news?

Because subjective values are EASY to INCREASE.

And if you can INCREASE DESIRE for whatever you have, (or even for you) you will also increase the chances of them taking whatever action you want them to take, to satisfy that desire.

How, exactly, do you do that?

With These:
Hypnotic Sales

What Do They Know?

Make Them Fall In Love With You

Many kinds of skilled labor requires you have your own tools.

And you take them with you from job to job.

Other jobs give you the tools, and the training.

As an employer, which would you rather have?

Both have their own benefits.

If somebody’s already got the skills and the tools, they can hit the ground running pretty quickly.

On the other hand, they can also bounce if a better opportunity comes up.

If you train somebody and give them the tools, they might be a little bit more motivated to stay, especially if you had them sign a contract.

Which would you rather be?

Somebody that had the skills and the tools, or somebody that needed to be trained, and be provided the tools?

It’s nice to be in the situation where somebody IS willing to train you.

The problem is that this is the situation most people find themselves in.

Hoping to BE trained, and hoping to BE provided the tools.

Which means the person hiring you can pretty much pick and choose whomever they want.

Any company that has a good training system, and a set of tools to go along with it KNOWS they can be selective.

It’s generally as good idea to come as prepared as you can.

Already having the skills, and the tools.

What kind of skills and tools?

If you’re going to be rebuilding carburetors, that’s one set of skills and tools

But there is one set of skills (and tools) which work in nearly any business.

Even in most settings.

And those are communication skills.

Not just the skills to order a burrito at a restaurant.

But the ability to talk to anybody, and build up huge desire.

A desire for you, your ideas, your product and services.

This skill can get you hired, get you dates, get you upgrades to first class, and anything else that requires the decision of another person.

While everybody else is say, “pick me! pick me!” you’ll be telling wonderful stories that will make YOUR idea the natural outcome of ANY conversation.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Sales

Surrender To Your Inner Alien

The Pavlovian Energy Pattern

If you accidentally wore your shirt inside out, you’d feel pretty silly.

On the other hand, some clothes are purposely made so they can be reversed.

But the funny thing is that there really isn’t any law against wearing your shirt inside out.

It still works as a shirt. It’s probably the same color.

It just looks a little different.

Most people wouldn’t even notice unless you told them.

But most of us would be terrified if we did this by accident.

Because that’s not the way we are “supposed” to wear our clothes.

That’s one of the problems with us humans.

We think that once it’s been established that we are “supposed” to do things a certain way, that’s the way we do them.

Even if they are doing construction and you have to take a different route to work, it may feel strange.

But if you ONLY do what you ALWAYS do, you’ll ALWAYS get what you have ALWAYS got.

It’s seem obvious, on one hand, that if you want DIFFERENT results (or anything different in your life) you’ve got to DO something different.

One way to carefully break out of ANY rut is to NOT use things they way they are SUPPOSED to be used.

Maybe wear a pair of socks that don’t match.

Or get colored contacts and put a different color in each eye.

If only to PROVE if you do something “different,” the world won’t come crashing down.

After all, if you want to get some SPECTACULAR results, you’ll need to do things WAAAAAY differently than you have been.

If you want to eat something different, you’ve got to cook something different.

One of the most POWERFUL ways to use something different that what you are SUPPOSED to do is how you use your sexual energy.

If you know ANYTHING about NLP, then you know about anchoring.

That thing Pavlov did with his dogs.

He took their natural response to a natural stimuli (salivating to food) and CHANGED how it worked.

You can do the same with your sexual energy.

And since it’s usually in abundance, you can leverage it in MANY different ways.

Learn How:

Sex Transmutation

Be Different

What Have You Invented Today?

When I was a kid I had this electronics kit.

It was a “75 in 1” kit from Radio Shack.

It had a whole bunch of different circuit components.

And by hooking them together in different configurations, you could make 75 different electronic circuits.

The most exciting part was creating them for the first time.

But after I’d gone through all of them once or twice, it wasn’t as exciting, since you knew what was going to happen.

So I started to experiment.

I would hook the circuits up to the light in my bedroom, for example.

This is the natural human tendency when we run out of things to discover.

We invent more things to discover.

Now, most people don’t consider themselves “inventors.”

Most people don’t consider themselves “entrepreneurs” either.

But take away the finances, the fame and fortune, and that’s EXACTLY what we are.

The entirety of human history is inventing new things.

Even little kids who are bored will INVENT new games to play.

Every time you’ve found a better, simpler, more enjoyable way to do something, you have used your inner entrepreneur.

The only difference between normal, everyday entrepreneurialism (the stuff you do every day) and people that introduce themselves as “Entrepreneurs” at parties is monetization.

Back when I was in college, my major was physics.

There was kind of rivalry between physics majors and engineering majors.

A joke (that was funny to both sides) was, “What do you call an engineer? A physicist with a job.”

People that make their living as entrepreneurs are using their natural human talents, the same talents YOU have, to get paid.

If any part of your job is to “figure stuff out on your own” without being told EXACTLY what to do, you are being paid to be an entrepreneur.

Because this what entrepreneurs do. They solve problems.

Fortunately, you don’t have to quit your regular job, or endanger ANY source of income to tap your inner entrepreneurial money maker.

Even if you NEVER want to make money as an entrepreneur, and introduce yourself at parties as an entrepreneur, developing your NATURAL skills of creativity and inventiveness will take you a long ways.

Get Started:

Entrepreneurial Mind

Keep Planning

Secrets Of Human Civilization

There are two very simple, yet very profound ideas about human nature.

These two simple ideas are what drives the world economy.

This same two simple ideas have driven all human inventions.

What are they?

They are not metaphysical, they are not deep insights or esoteric ideas about who we are.

Just two traits that we all share.

And by understanding these two simple traits, you will gain an understanding into every single thing people say and do.

What are they?

The first one is that we have an infinite amount of wants.

This a real, biological fact. Right now, reading these words, there is a few things that you want, more than anything else.

I’m not referring to those things you “wish” were true, like being more famous or taller or having different color hair.

I’m talking about real human wants and needs. Things you will take action to fulfil.

Eating, breathing, getting up and moving around.

And most importantly, buying things.

If we humans had to fulfil ALL of our needs on our own, we would be in very sorry shape.

Imagine having to grow your own cotton, turn it into cloth and make your own clothes!

Those infinite number of needs will ALWAYS be there.

As long as you are breathing, and eating, and digesting, and eliminating, at your very basic core, you will NEVER be satisfied.

And neither will every other human.

What’s the second truth?

Is that all of these wants and needs are ORDINAL.


All we know is that we want SOME of our needs MORE than others.

In fact, very few, if any, are equal.

There is always a hierarchy of needs. There are always some needs and wants we label as “more important” than others.

Why is this important?

Because sometimes we HAVE something we don’t want.

And we WANT something we don’t have.

This presents a FANTASTIC opportunity.

What’s that?


Little kids trading sandwiches, ancient tribes trading bear skins for fish, or modern humans at the mall trading a couple bucks for a cheeseburger.

This, at its core, is the story of human existence.

Because we want more, because we always want things in a hierarchy, and because we have the instinctive ability to trade with one another, we use our creative minds to keep inventing new things.

This is why once upon a time there was nothing but people and animals and dirt.

And how there are tons of highly advanced technological wonders.

All you’ve got to do is get in the game, and get some.

Learn How:

Entrepreneurial Mind

It Sees All - It Knows All

Unlock Life’s Puzzles

I remember back in college my roommate had one of those 3D books.

The kind that looked like some abstract picture, but if you stared at it, you could see some 3D object.

It took me a while (longer than most) but when I “got it” it was pretty cool.

And once you “got it” on one picture, you could “get it’ on a lot of other pictures.

Optical illusions are cool because they leverage one of our “shortcuts” in thinking.

Because it takes a lot of brain processor time to look at EVERYTHING every single time, our brain has a kind of “cache” memory.

Scientists believe that up to forty percent of what we see isn’t what we’re REALLY seeing.

It’s what we’re ASSUMING based on that “cache.”

So when we look at an optical illusion, something that is PURPOSELY drawn differently in some way, it kind of sends our brain into a loop.

Like in Excel or any other spreadsheet program where you try and “divide by zero.”

These can be fun, but they can also cause problems.

Like when we’re trying to do something IMPORTANT (not look at some goofy picture) and we keep getting mistakes.

One of the problems with our brains is we tend to generalize quite a bit.

We also distort and delete.

If we had to process EVERY SINGLE THING outside of our senses, we’d go insane.

In order to keep up, we’ve got to “perceive” the bare minimum.

But if we’re getting the bare minimum wrong (which is pretty easy considering the small sliver of stuff we perceive compared to what is actually there) it can be maddening.

Of course “wrong” is purely subjective.

Imagine if you were trying to drive a car, and you perceived the world as if it were an optical illusion, like those stairs that go all over the place!

(It’d be like the movie, “Inception!”)

Luckily, once you recalibrate what’s out there, and more importantly the part that will help you get where you want to go, it’s pretty easy.

Kind of like those optical illusion puzzles.

Once you “get” one of them, you can “get” all of them.

And once you figure out how to “get” one thing you want, you can use the same strategy for everything else.

Learn How:

End Self Sabotage

Create Your Own Success

Build Your Own Blueprint

I’ve always liked building stuff.

When I was a kid I had a set of Lego’s.

They usually came in a kit so you could build what they wanted, but you could also build whatever you wanted, so long as you had all the parts.

Which was also a good marketing strategy, because the more kits you bought the more raw materials you could have to build all kinds of stuff.

Hot Wheels were kind of the same.

You had a bunch of cars, and you had various pieces of tracks. You could build it according to the picture, or you could build whatever you wanted.

Of course, not everything is like that.

If you went to Ikea or any other furniture store that sells “need to be assembled” stuff, you pretty much have to stick to the instructions.

Otherwise you’re bookcase will fall apart in the middle of the night while you’re sleeping (ahem).

On the other end of the spectrum, you could go to Home Depot a bunch a bunch of boards, nails and saws.

Then build whatever you want.

Either straight from your imagination, or from blueprints.

Or a combination of both.

Some blueprints are pretty straightforward.

Others are take a while to figure out.

(Some are straight up fantasies, like how to build a combustion engine that runs on water).

Like if you were to build a bookcase, it would be pretty simple.

All you really need is to cut the wood in the right sizes.

On the other hand, building a house would require a LOT more knowledge and work.

Plumbing, electricity, insulation, etc.

But it would still work, if you had the skills, time and building materials.

Luckily, pretty much anything you’d want to learn is on YouTube somewhere.

There’s one thing that DOESN’T have a blueprint.

Unfortunately, it’s the most IMPORTANT thing.

Your life.

Sure, there’s plenty of people that would LOVE to tell you HOW to build your life, but that tends to help THEM more than it would help YOU.

In order to build YOUR life to help YOU most, you’ve got to design your own blueprints.

Luckily, that’s pretty easy.

Since your DNA is programmed with blueprint building technology.

Just point yourself in the direction you want to go (more money, more health, better relationships) and get started.

So long as you’re only looking a couple of weeks or months out into your future, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to keep moving forward.

Get Started:

End Self Sabotage

Break Out Of Comfort

Become The Middle Porridge

When I was a kid, me and my friends were into video games.

This was way back in the day when they cost a quarter.

They had TV games, but the ones in the arcades (or the ice cream shops) were much better.

Back then, like today, they had hidden “cheats.” Ways you could “beat” the system. Certain things you could do that would GUARANTEE you could get to the next level.

Those were cool, but once you found the cheat, it wasn’t much fun.

The whole point of “playing” games is you DON’T know how they are going to come out.

This is why sports is so exciting, as well as well-written books, movies, and stories.

Nobody likes a movie when everybody can figure out how it’s going to end.

When I was a kid we used to take car trips.

It was always exciting, because we were going somewhere cool, and part of the fun was enjoying the process of getting there.

Of course, looking back as an adult, it was always some hotel or motel somewhere, and if you’ve seen one of those, you’ve seen them all.

But as a kid it CAN be a real adventure.

If you use any kind of measuring equipment, you know how important it is to keep it calibrated.

IF you were making cookies for example, imagine if you had a cup you “thought” was an actual cup, but was really only half a cup.

The cookies wouldn’t come out so good.

Now imagine building something complicated, like a jet engine, with tools that AREN’T calibrated.

A bunch of mechanics just throwing stuff together and “hoping” it doesn’t break apart a top speed.

Life itself can fall into three general categories.

A grand adventure, a nightmare, or something really boring.

If you charge ahead without calibration, without knowing what you’re doing, it can be good, but the chance of “nightmare” outcomes goes up.

If you don’t do anything, you’ll end up pretty boring.

The magic is in the middle.

Just like in the three bears.

Not too hot, not too cold.

One or two steps out of your comfort zone. Small actions, measure the results, and then re-calibrate.

Doing that will turn life into a grand adventure where you get the BEST of both worlds.

Always on the journey, and always close to the safety of home.

Learn More:

End Self Sabotage

Changing Minds

Metaphors Are Everywhere

What language do humans speak?

According to Noam Chomsky, one of the world’s recognized experts on linguistics, we only speak one language.

Just that from country to country, we speak in different “dialects.”

He famously pointed out that all world language have the same components.

Verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc.

There have also been a few interesting cases where people had to “make up” a language, and they “made up” a language that had those parts of speech.

This led Chomsky to come up with his “X-bar theory.”

Where we have a bunch of “switches” in our brain.

And when a kid is between 0 and about 2, they are setting these switches based on the “local structure” of this “world language.”

Once these switches are set, the word explosion begins.

This is when kids shift from speaking gibberish to full blown sentences, some of which they NEVER could have heard.

Researchers test this, just to make sure.

They make up words for nouns and verbs.

Then the kids use them PERFECTLY.

Which strongly suggests that deep in our brain is the neural circuitry for language.

The actual words are kind of like filling in the blanks.

One thing that is used in all languages are metaphors.

Not just metaphorical sayings, but embedded within the language itself.

Like the simple expression, “fall in love.”

The verb “fall” explains how we feel about “love.”

Something that happens unexpectedly. Like you’re wandering down the street, staring at your phone and you fall into a hole.

Or the sentence, “We are going through some difficulties.”

If it’s a person or a company, you are thinking about those “difficulties” as if they are an actual object.

And in order to “deal with” that “object” you need to go through it.

Not go over it, or under it, or around it.

Through it.

And when you are going “through” something, it’s all around you.

Hopefully soon, you’ll be able to “put it” behind you.

And see it fading away in the rear view mirror.

Understanding the structure of human metaphors is very powerful.

You can move people on deep and profound levels.

Not knowing how to do so is like being in a foreign country and not speaking the language.

So long as you speak the HUMAN language, you can communicate a lot more effectively.

And impact people much more profoundly.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Storytelling

Dig For Truth

Stop Clucking Like A Chicken

There’re a lot of clever movies involving hypnosis.

Some of them involve a hypnotist giving somebody a suggestion, but then the hypnotist dies, leaving the poor subject unable to snap out it.

One particularly funny one involved Jim Carrey before he became a superstar.

He played the part of the subject. He, an ultra rich guy, was at a club with his girlfriend.

They were at a hypnosis show, and they hypnotist hypnotized him into talking like a chicken.

Then the hypnotist dropped dead from a heart attack.

Three years later, Jim Carrey’s character was no longer rich. He was broke, homeless, and still clucking like a chicken.

This is both unrealistic, but also terrifying realistic.

Unrealistic in that you can’t really hypnotize somebody against their will, especially to the extent that they’d cluck like a chicken for three years.

On the other hand, most people spend their ENTIRE LIVES under some kind of hypnotic trance.

Trances they’ve learned when they were kids.

We’ve all accepted suggestions like, “speaking in front of others is scary.” Or “making money is difficult.”

The reason it doesn’t seem like hypnosis is BECAUSE these seem so real.

But unlike hypnosis in the movies, real hypnosis (the limiting kind) happens slowly.

Technically, it’s a lot more like brainwashing than hypnosis.

We didn’t go into a trance and somebody said, “From now on, every time you get up in front of others to speak, you’ll get nervous!”

We learn from plenty of experiences, and once that belief is set, it’s hard to undo, since it SEEMS so real.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to undo our own hypnosis, and undo the debilitating trances on those around us.

The truth is that all of us go in and out of trances all the time.

In fact, you can look at one of the main purposes of our brains as “trance machines.”

It’s VERY DIFFICULT (and uses a lot of energy) to keep our brains a hundred percent focused on all of the technical details around us.

We NEED to slip into trances to maintain our sanity.

This means if you are the one CREATING those trances, you can have a lot of fun.

Most of the time our trances (TV, social media, etc) are just situations where we turn our brains off.

But if you learn to lead people’s minds during their daily trances, you can make them feel a lot better.

And help them to make MUCH BETTER choices.

What will you help them choose?

Learn How:

Hypnotic Storytelling