Monthly Archives: December 2008

This Mind For Rent

I had an interesting thought this morning while I was out for my daily walk. I make a trip through the neighborhood, and then finish up on a small hill hear a temple where I do my daily Ki Qong. As I was on my way back home, I passed by an apartment complex,  with a big sign out front saying “For Rent.” For some reason, it immediately reminded me of a line from the song Tom Sawyer, by Rush:

“…though his mind is not for rent, to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent…”

Which naturally caused my mind to drift, as it usually does after a nice walk, to thoughts and where they come from. I’ve read and heard form a variety of sources that fully ninety percent of our thoughs are a rerun of thoughts from before. Yesterday, the day before yesterday, and so on.

I started to think about memes, which are thoughts but follow a certain set of rules, or patterns. They were first described by Richard Dawkins in his book “The Selfish Gene.” Memes can be described as self replicating bits of information passed on from person to person, or even to a whole culture.

Religious doctrines, political propaganda, cake recipes, and even The Macarena are examples of memes. Ideas or concepts passed through different levels of groups and culture. There has been much debate on what makes a good meme.  What makes some memes replicate, what makes others die off quickly. What makes some easy to believe and keep in your brain, and others to seem foolish and ridiculous. How much thought have you given to your thoughts? Are they yours? Do they really serve you? Do they make your life easier? Do they make your life happier? Where did you learn them from? Who taught them to you?

We are all born with a semi blank slate. (There is much debate on the blankness of that slate.) As we grow, we learn much from others.  Thoughts, strategies, languages, gestures, what is important and not important, what is scary and friendly, what we are capable of and not capable of.

There comes a point in our lives, though, when it becomes important to make a decision on what we accept in our brains, and reject.  It becomes evident that you need to stop blindly following others, and choose your own path.  Problems can occur if when we become adults, we still rely on the “I’ll let other people do my thinking for me” strategy that was useful as a child. If we cling to this way of thinking, it can be severely restrictive as we get older. What was a blessing early in life can be a burden later on. Not to say we should immediately reject all other thoughts that aren’t are own, but perhaps we should at least give them a quick once over, and hold them against the scrutiny of our own chosen direction in life. Are they helping us move forward, or are they holding us back?

Imagine for a minute if you could take out each thought and belief, examine it, change it around so it better serves you, and then stick it back into your head. What beliefs would you like to have? Making money is easy? Falling is love is natural and blissful? There are enough resources to go around for everyone? You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to?

Would you like that? Would it make life more fun and enjoyable? What would be different?

Be sure to check back often, as I will post many more articles related to this subject.  I think this is fascinating. And please share this site with others, because the more you can share, the easier it is to feel better about what is possible. 


She Likes Me…

“I just can’t do it.”
“Nope. Can’t do it.”
“Why not?”
“She doesn’t like me.”
“How do you know?”
“What do I mean how do I know? I said ‘hi’ and she totally ignored me.”
“Uh huh. So when you said ‘hi,’ and she doesn’t respond, that means she doesn’t like you?”
“Hmm. So, in general then, when you see somebody you like, and you say ‘hi,’ and they don’t say ‘hi’ back, that means they don’t like you, right?”
“Yep. Exactly right.”
“Hmm. How does that happen?”
“Huh? How does what happen?”
“I mean does she not like you before you say ‘hi,’ or does she not like you because you say ‘hi,’ or does she have to evaluate your ‘hi’ for split second before she decides she doesn’t you? Or is she one of those super genius people who can decide she doesn’t like you while you are saying ‘hi?'”
“Dude, I’m not sure…”
“Wait, I’m not finished. And how long do you wait for a response before you decide that she doesn’ t like you?”
“No, seriously. Do you wait three seconds, or 2.5 seconds, I mean how do you know exactly when to make the decision that she doesn’t like you?”
“Dude, we went through this already. I just know.”
“How do you know that you know? Is it a feeling, a voice in your head?”
“Dude, are you making fun of me?”
“No, no, not at all. I am just curious about your thought process. I mean, if I were you, and I wanted to think the same way you do, and I wanted to feel the same way you feel, how exactly would I go about doing it?”
“I don’t know. I just say ‘hi,’ she doesn’t say ‘hi’ back, and she doesn’t like me.”
“Do you have to be in the same room?”
“I mean, if you saw her through a telescope, and said ‘hi,’ and she didn’t say ‘hi’ back, does that also mean she doesn’t like you?”
“Of course not. She has to hear me.”
“So if she didn’t say anything back, how do you know she heard you this time?”
“Because I was right next to her.”
“Could she have thought you were saying ‘hi’ to somebody else?”
“Dude, I don’t know, maybe. But that was still rude.”
“What was rude?”
“To not say ‘hi’ back to somebody that says ‘hi’ to you.”
“Even though she thought you were speaking to somebody else?”
“She could have reasonably assumed I was speaking to her.”
“What if she is just really shy? What if she really likes you, I mean really likes you, and when you said ‘hi,’ she got really flustered and just couldn’t speak for a moment or two?”
“Dude, I really don’t think…”
“Would you at least consider the possibility?”
“Ok, ok, maybe she is shy.”
“And do you usually only give shy girls one shot? Is that the kind of guy you are? If you say ‘hi,’ and she is too shy to say ‘hi’ back to you, you blow her off and move on to the next girl, right? Is that how you operate?”
“Dude, not at all!”
“So you are a nice guy?”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Dude, we’ve been friends for a long time, you know I’m not like that.”
“So prove it.”
“Prove it how?’
“Go give that poor girl another chance.”
“Ok, ok, ok. Jeez.”


Sacral Chakra

Automatically turn heads when you walk into a room. Maintain such incredible self confidence that you feel comfortable enough to speak your truth without any worries whatsoever of potential responses.  Become irresistibly attractive to members of the opposite sex with only glance and a slight smile. All this will happen naturally for you as you tap the powerof the Sacral Chakra.

The Sacral Chakra is the second Chakra. If you haven’t read the overview on Chakras, you might want to consider it before you continue, or you can choose to read it later.

The Sacral Chakra can be the most powerful and the most widely understood Chakra, because it is concerned with sexual energy. Unfortunately in today’s modern society, sexual energy is a topic that is shrouded in unresourceful mythology. Before you begin to experience the powerthat is available from the Sacral Chakra, it helps to be able to release any limiting beliefs you may have about your sexuality. If you grew up in western society, you might have been taught from a young age that sexuality is something to be kept secret, and sometimes even feel ashamed about. Nothing is further from the truth. A healthy appreciation for ones sexuality and sexual energies is one of the most fantastic sources of power available. Napoleon Hill devoted a whole chapter to sexual energy in his timeless classic “Think and Grow Rich.”

To begin the meditation, sit quietly, and ask yourself the following questions. It’s not important to come up with clear answers, just trust that as your mind searches for them, it will present you with solutions when you are ready.

How many things are wonderful about my sexuality?
When do I feel sexually powerful?
When do I feel emotionally centered and safe?
How can I feel trusting enough to truly express myself?
How can I express my truth powerfully and congruently?

Breath slowly. In. Out. In. Out.  Imagine a bright orange ball beginning to form in your sexual center. As you breath slowly, allow the ball to fill with positive energy.  As you breath in, imagine the energy coming in to your lungs from the infinite abundance and hold it slightly when your lungs are full. As you hold it, imagine the energy being transferred from your breath to your sexual center. As you exhale slowly, imagine the orange ball of energy expanding slightly. Take your time. Keep breathing slowly, until the orange ball is just slightly bigger than you, so it completely surrounds you. Take seven slow, even, steady breaths while in the pure sexual energy of this emotionally protective orange ball. After seven breaths, slowly shrink the ball back down, until all the energy that you transferred from the infinite abundance of the universe, to your breath, is now concentrated in your sexual center.

How does that feel, now, to be able to carry with you not only incredible sexual power and acceptance, but complete emotional safety and freedom? Good? Good.

Be sure to check back often, as I will be updating this site daily with new and interesting articles. And if you like, please be sure to share this, as helping out others is one of the best ways to help yourself.


It Matches Your Eyes You Filthy Sinner!

“Filthy Sinner!” She shouted at me, completely out of the blue. “You! Filthy! Sinner!” She glared at me, not breaking eye contact, not giving any reason why I’d been chosen to receive the sudden flinging of her focused and mysterious fury. I was dumbfounded. What had I done? Sure, I’m a sinner, but a filthy one? I looked around, surely there were filthier and worse sinners in the area. And if I was indeed a dirty filthy sinner, how did she know?

Like just last week, I was shopping for a new shirt. A dress shirt. Not to wear with a tie or anything, but just a shirt to wear with maybe jeans, or perhaps a nice pair of slacks. I wasn’t sure what color I wanted, so I was just browsing. I was in a pretty good men’s store near my old apartment, and they had some really good deals.

Although I’ll be honest. I really have no clue what a good deal is when I’m shopping for clothes. I have no real clue about anything when I’m shopping for clothes. All I really know is if it fits or not. And even then I’m not sure.

It’s funny when you do stuff like that. Even you’re not sure, you go ahead and do it anyways. Not really concerned with how it comes out, because you kind of have a feeling that tells you that things will turn out ok. And sometimes, when you feel really good, like you are in some kind of a zone or something, and you just know, really know, that everything is going to work out.

And the sales clerk that came over knew. She knew I was choosing between the blue shirt and the light gray one. I don’t know how she knew, but when she said “You should definitely pick the blue one because it matches your eyes,” I knew she knew. Matching clothes to eye color. I had no idea that was even possible. I guess people like that sales clerk develop a kind of second sense for what people are thinking. She was definitely good at it.

Unlike that poor woman in the park. Turns out her husband left her a while back for another woman. And she kind of lost it. Maybe I reminded her of him in some way. So all she does now is sit on the bench and get angry about things that happened long ago. And yell at people who remind her of the past. It’s a terrible shame that some people can’t let go of things, so they can focus their energies on being able to create a better future. Being able to let go so you can free your mind to take advantage of what’s really in front of you is an important skill, isn’t it?


Easily Visualize Success

How would like you dramatically increase your sports skills? How would you like to go into any social situation with ease and behave with such powerful confidence that people who don’t know you wonder if you’re some kind of movie star? What would it feel like to go into an unfamiliar situation, yet behave as though you’ve done it a hundred times before?

There is an often talked about skill whose power is realized by few, and practiced by even fewer. If you take the time to not only read and understand this article, but to put these techniques into practice, you will be light years ahead of anyone else.

The skill I’m talking about is visualization. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. If you haven’t that’s ok. Visualization is when you practice something in your mind before you actually do it, so when it comes time to take care of business, you’ve already pre-built success into your neurology.

One of the frustrations when you do this is that few sources tell you exactly what to do, so it can be tough to learn to visualize properly.

In this article I will tell you the very basics, so you can start to practice right away. When you become proficient, you can check back often, because I will be writing other articles about additional skills, so that when you add them on top of your powerful visualization skills, you will be a potent force in the world.

There are two types of visualization. Associated and disassociated. Associated is when you visualize something as you normally see it. Through your own eyes. Disassociated is when you watch yourself performing a task, as if you were watching yourself on video tape. You will need to develop both of these skills, so that when you learn additional skills you can easily incorporate them together in such a way that  you will be absolutely amazed by how incredibly powerful you can use them to change your life.

Try it and see. Close your eyes, and see something you did recently in an associated perspective. Is it easy? Difficult? If you have trouble, don’t worry. The brain responds quickly when you practice with focus.

Try the other way. Close your eyes, and this time watch a recent memory, but this time watch yourself as if you are somehow floating off to the side.  If this seems a bit more difficult, you can relax because the more you practice, the easier it will get.

After you develop these two powerful skills, you will be amazed in how many different ways you can use them to train your brain for all kinds of new and wonderful automatic behaviors that you might not be able to imagine doing now.

And be sure to check back often because the more new skills you learn, the easier it will be create your life exactly the way you want it.


Turn Wishes into Reality

If you happened across a magic lamp, complete with a genie begging to be allowed to satisfy the requisite three wishes, what would you wish for? World peace? A bazillion dollars?  A new car? A raise at work? That cute girl or guy to notice you? These are pretty common wishes, and most all people have wishes that would make them feel very happy if they came true. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how easy it is to make wishes come true. The reason is because when people have a wish, we usually think of it as something outside of us, or beyond us, and some magical force is needed to allow us to get it.   After you read this, that will change. Because you are going to learn the first step into turning wishes into something that you can easily achieve.

The first step is to turn the wish into a goal. Now for most people, a goal is simply a wish that they wish about a lot. Or maybe they might have started a few steps in the right direction, but in reality, it is still a wish. Not you. After you read this, you will be far ahead of everyone else.

You have to create what is called a well formed goal. Let’s take the wish of losing weight. Say 15 lbs. The first thing to do, is write down your goal. You can either do this as you read this, or after you understand this simple process, you can do it later. Lets start.

“I want to lose 15 lbs.”

The first step, is to state it in the positive. So instead of saying what you want to get rid of, express it in terms of what you want to be like after you’ve gotten rid of it. That changes the above goal to

“I want to weigh 160 lbs.” (If now I weight 175 lbs.) See how that works? Other examples:

“I want to quit smoking” becomes “I am smoke free.”
“I want to quit playing video games 5 hours a day” becomes “I want to spend my free time outside.”

The second step is to make sure your goal is totally in your control. If you need to depend on somebody else to make it happen, change your goal around so it only requires your action. 

The third step is to imagine all the benefits you’ll enjoy when your goal is true. I will fit into my pants better. I’ll feel healthier. I’ll be able to participate in sports more easily. You should really give yourself time on this one, because the more good reasons you think of, the easier it will become.

The fourth step, and perhaps the most difficult, is to make sure you keep the positive aspects of your current condition.  It can be sometimes hard to pin this down, because it’s difficult to understand how one can get benefit from something you don’t like all that much. The good part is, once you figure this part out, being able to achieve your goal will be a snap.  In my example above, I want to weigh 160 lbs, I have to discover the hidden reason why I’m stuck at 175 lbs.  One reason might be that I really enjoy eating ice cream every night after work. In that case, I’d have to find some other activity that I enjoy as much or more, and doesn’t give me all those calories. Another reason might be that if I lost weight I’d wouldn’t have an excuse not to be more social. In that case, I need to figure out how to work on those issues. If you have trouble figuring this part out, don’t worry. I’ll be writing plenty more articles that can help you easily resolve these issues, so make sure you check back often.

The fifth step is to make sure that your goal really is your goal. A lot of times we want to achieve things, but deep down we really want to achieve them to please other people. Parents, friends, spouses. Ask yourself this question: “If I achieved this goal, and NOBODY else knew, would I still want it?”

It might take some time, but when you work at it and run your wishes through these five steps, they will naturally turn into easily achievable results. And the more wishes you run through this simple five step process, the more you’ll be able to achieve in your life.  

And please be sure to tell others about this, so they can, like you, naturally and easily achieve dreams.


Easily Develop Incredibly Powerful Brain Power

Imagine being the go-to-person when your company has a problem that they need solved. Now. Imagine you are talking with a client or on a date, and you have an almost magic ability to steer the conversation wherever you want it to go, and the other person thinks that it was their idea. Imagine being surrounded by stressed out executives who are almost ready to call it quits when you tilt your head to the side, think for a moment, and say “Why don’t we try…” and they look at you in utter astonishment. “Why didn’t we think of that?” They ask. “You’re a genius! We’re saved!” Would you like that? Would you like to develop the mental dexterity of thought that Bruce Lee demonstrated with his nunchucks?

Well, here I give you two strong tips that when practiced, will allow you to develop so much flexibility and creativity of thought that you won’t know how you managed after you naturally become incredibly smarter.

Since they both work on the same principle of how the brain is physically set up, you’ll probably find yourself able to make up new exercises after you make these a habit.

The first one is simple, but it’s pretty weird, so make sure you don’t do it if anybody is in earshot. Especially at work.  What you do, is look at ordinary objects, but give them a different name. For example, if you look off to the left of your computer, now, and see a pen, look at it and say “apple!” Then look at something else, say a piece of paper, and say “pickup truck!” The key here is to make sure your ‘new’ names for the objects don’t fall in the same category.  Like in the above example, if you called your pen an ‘apple’ and then called the piece of paper an ‘orange,’ it wouldn’t be as effective, because orange and apple fall in the same category of food, or even fruit. So try to pick your new names completely different categories, sizes, colors, uses, as different as possible. Beware, this sounds deceptively simple, but when you start to practice this regularly, you’ll realize it is anything but. The reason it isn’t as simple as it sound is because you are literally building new circuits in your brain.  Be prepared to have some wild dreams when you start this.

The next trick requires a pen and paper, or better, notepad or some other word processor.  Think of anything, any regular object, for example, potato. Then pick something in a different category, but starting with the same letter, in this case, the letter ‘p.’  So let’s say you choose potato, and Porsche. Next, you just start rambling off anything that comes to mind regarding those two objects, AND, whatever comes up after that, just let your brain flow, and everything you think of, write it down.  Don’t worry about spelling, or grammar, or anything like that. Just write your thoughts out as fast as you can. This also literally causes you to build new connections in your brain, so you will be able to connect ideas in ways that will astound your friends.

One word of caution. It’s difficult to see results with these exercises because it takes time to build new neural pathways, and as you build them, it feels normal, and you can’t really notice the results right away. It’s not like you’ll have to change hat sizes or anything. What will most likely happen, is if you put just 5 or 10 minutes a day into either of these exercises, you will have a powerful ‘Aha!‘ moment.  After about a week or so you will suddenly realize that you have an ENOURMOUS amount of data stored up in your brain. And I’m talking about the whole size of the internet enourmous. And trust me, this is a really cool feeling. It will make you feel incredibly confident in a way that you never have before.

Because you will soon be developing your new super brain power, I won’t have to remind you to check back often to see what other articles I’ll be posting on a daily basis. But if you want to share or link this site, please feel free to do so.


Program Your Brain for Automatic Success

I read a news story a while back about some rich sheik from an oil rich country that visited the United States. He bought a motor home, and noticed that the motor home had a cruise control feature. He set the cruise control, and proceeded to go in the back to take a nap, thinking that motor home would drive by itself. I guess money can’t buy everything.

While they are starting to build cars that can parallel park themselves, I think we’re still a long way off from having cars will automatically drive us to our destinations.

But what if you were to discover a way to easily drive you to your destination? Almost as if by magic? How would you like to be able to program you brain to naturally find things so it would automatically make it easy for you to get what you want out of life? It’s a lot simpler than you might imagine. Are you ready to learn how?

The Chinese refer to it as ‘Future Memory.’ Ben Franklin (you rememeber him, right?) referred to it as a ‘Daily Review.’ It’s easy to do, and a lot more powerful that it appears.

First you need to establish a list of strengths, things you like about yourself, and another list things that you would like to get rid of. Bad habits, thoughts, beliefs. Make both lists as long or as short as you want, but make sure you have at least three on each list.

Now make a list of things you want to achieve. Make them good things, but not too far out there. For example, to lose 10 pounds would be ok, or lower your golf score by 5 points would be fine.  While you should always feel comfortable to set big goals, for this particular exericise, choose something small. After you easily prove to yourself that it works, you can naturally move on to bigger and better things.

So now you have three short lists, right? Here’s how it works. After you finish your day, sometime shortly before you go to sleep, review your lists. You can do this by hand or on the computer, either way is fine, as long as you write it down.  On on page, you should have your three lists. On each page after that make three columns, labeled stregths, weaknesses, and goals. Have a separte sheet or document for each. Under each column, write what ever you did that day to:

1) Decrease your weaknesses
2) Increase your strengths
3) Move toward your goals

The important thing is to remember any thing, any small thing that is a step in the right direction, no matter how small you think it is. For example, if your goal is to lose ten pounds, and you normally eat a whole pint of ice cream while watching TV at night, and on that particular day, you ate the whole pint MINUS a thimblefull, that is fantastic. Write it down. Feel proud. Feel gratitude. Thank yourself. Likewise with your strengths or weakenss. ANYTHING is fine.

The key here is to build momentum. The more you do this, the easier and more natural it will get. And you will likely see yourself changing in fantastic ways as if by magic. But because you are likely to start small, it’s best to keep this list a secret until you are comfortable enough to brag about your fantastic accomlishments to your friends. If you make sure to spend just a few minutes every night, you will slowly build momentum until your strengths far outweigh your weaknesses, and your goals will begin to appear almost automatically. And your friends will naturally wonder why you have suddenly become so successful.

And please remember to check back often, as I will be updating this site regularly. And while it’s good to keep the above technique a secret, feel free to share this site with your friends, because it really feels good to help people out.


Powerfully Use Dreams to Avoid Danger

Have you seen that movie where this guy was about to drive across a crowded bridge, and then right at the last minute, got a wierd feeling and decided against it? Unfortunately for the people on the bridge, it collapsed. But becuase the main character was able to listen to his intuition, he was saved. Have you ever had a feeling, that something was going to happen, and sure enough, it happened?  Wonder why it comes sometimes, and doesn’t come other times? Your intuition is like a muscle. If you don’t exercise it, it will become weak. Unfortunately most people haven’t been taught how to use your intuition so you can use it to protect yourself from bad things in the future.

The best way is to listen to your dreams. If you haven’t read my article on remembering your dreams, or the follow up article on using them to easily release unwanted emotions, you might want to head over and check them out whenever you find the time.

The second kind of dream (after the release dream) is the warning dream. This dream is alerting you to possible danger in the future. Now there are two ways you can look at this. One is metaphysical, and one is based purely on science and biology. Both seem to make sense, so you can choose whichever one you feel most comfortable with.

The metaphysical explanation is that we all are connected to a Superconscious, and It (or She or He) knows all that ever was and ever will be. Many call this God, some call it Infinite Intelligence. When we dream, our minds somehow merge with this and are able to collect information that may help us.

The physical biological explanation can be just as valid. The brain is a fantastic supercomputer whose operational methods are still barely understood by science. As you move through life, your brain is remembering everything you come across. And while you sleep, your brain looks forward, based on your plans and your previous history, and then alerts you (or tries) to any dangers that might come up.

A personal example is something that happened to me last year. I kept having images of Magic Johnson pulling his hamstring during the Lakers-Pistons championship game. I didn’t pay much attention, and a week later I was playing with some kids. Of course, I pulled my hamstring. Now whether that was a superconcious message or my brilliant neurology looking ahead and warning me (I already knew I would be playing with that specific group of kids,) the message was clear: Stretch before you run, and be careful. Of course when I see kids, I immediately get really excited, and I seem to forget about being an adult. I’m sure you know what that’s like, right? All you want to do is play and have fun? Of course I would have had a lot more fun had I listened to my dreams.

The simple way to do this, is after you’ve become proficient at being able to remember your dreams, and you are spending a couple extra minutes checking to see if you can release unwanted emotions, is to pay attention to any images that you don’t understand. Look for actions or events that you don’t remember, or situations that you can’t recall. And keep those in mind for the next few days, and pay close attention to things in your daily life that cause you to remember those images.

Once you easily begin to remember and pay attention to your dreams, they can serve you as a valuable guide in your daily life, not only making sure that you stay clear of danger,  but as you’ve already learned, to release stress and anxiety as well.

Be sure to check back often, because I will be posting more articles on dreams and other immediately helpful topics than you can use to improve your life. And because like many others, you probably like to help people, you can decide to share this site with your friends.


Root Chakra

Naturally and powerfully develop unshakeable self esteem. Generate the ability to quickly and easily manifest material abundance.  Perpetuate a rock solid sense of self while maintaining a healthy respect for the choices and decisions of others. Create and maintain a supportive set of beliefs  that allow you to easily design and live the life you want. Sound good? It all becomes possible as you realize the power that resides in you Root Chakra.

As mentioned before, the Root Chakra is responsible for security, material survival, and issues of self. Before you begin a meditationon the Root Chakra, it helps to ask yourself some powerful questions related to these issues.

What issues do you have concerning safety? How do you feel when you know, really know, that you are completely safe?  When you feel that safety, where in your body do you feel it? Some feel a warm feeling in their chest, others feel a tingling around the scalp. Whatever you feel,  is perfect.

What concerns do you have regarding safety?  Do you occasionally feel anxiety with respect to personal safety? What situations can sometimes cause these feelings? If you were to go to sleep tonight, and a miracle happened that would make these problems vanish, how would you know? What would you see when you woke up that would let you know that all those old feelings of anxiety were gone? What you you hear that would confirm that you are indeed perfectly safe? What feelings would you feel? Where would they be in your body? Your chest, stomach, throat? Anything is fine.

What do you believe about yourself? What do you believe is possible? What would you like to believe about yourself? What would you like to believe is possible? What do you believe is natural for you to do? What would you like to believe is natural for you to do? If you have a role model, real or imaginary, what do they believe is possible? What would happen if you were to borrow their beliefs? Would you keep them if you liked them?

Take these self affirming beliefs, and these feelings of safety. It’s ok if you can’t feel them as being overwhelmingly strong.  Now hold those feelings, however they are, and imagine a bright red color. As you sit there, feeling those feelings, and imagining those positive beliefs swirling around your mind, in just that way, that’s right, for you, imagine that bright red color. Like the color of fresh cool apple. Or a bright fire engine. Or the color of a red valentines day heart you used to get in elementary school. Take a slow deep breath, and hold it for a moment. As you hold it, imagine a bright red ball of light glowing at the base of your spine. As you exhale, imagine the bright red ball of light expand just a little bit, and as it expands, it fills up with those feelings of safety and those self affirming beliefs.

Take several long, slow breaths like this. Breath in. Hold it. Expand that sphere of red color. As that red sphere, whose center is the base of your spine, expands, it naturally fills with stronger and stonger feelings of safety and self affirming and empowering beliefs. Breath in, hold it, breath out slowly. Sit with that sphere until it is completely surrounding you. Feel its presence. Feel it’s power.  When it gets just big enough to surround you completely, keep its size the same for seven really long, really slow breaths. In, hold, out. After seven breaths, slowly allow it to shrink back down until it disappears back into the base of your spine, so you can carry it with you wherever you go.

How does that feel now to be able to carry that powerful ball of safety and positive beliefs around with you wherever you go?

Please be sure to check back often, as I will update this site daily. And be sure to tell your friends, so they too, can begin to realize their power,  just like you are easily able to realize yours.
