It’s easy for guys to fall into the “soul mate” trap.
If you don’t have a lot of experience with women, any attention that any one can give you may seem like a life changing event.
But when you understand that women don’t really like a guy (on a subconscious level) that makes himself too available, it’s easy to see why this isn’t such a good strategy.
From a guy’s perspective it works like this.
He interacts with a girl, and she gives him some positive signals. Maybe even some sex.
And because the guy doesn’t have a lot of experience with girls, his inner caveman brain wants him to hang on for dear life.
Because he doesn’t have much sexual history, and sex feels so fantastic, every part of him is screaming at him to hang on at all costs.
This presents itself, through his behavior, of being needy and always available.
This, of course, KILLS any attraction the girl has for him.
Now, you could “pretend” to not be needy, only text her once every couple days, etc.
But if you have little experience with women, this is nearly impossible.
What’s the solution?
Start talking to girls (all girls, not just ones you’re interested in) AS OFTEN as you can.
This will build up your experience with women.
So when you DO meet a girl who is into you, you won’t have that “needy” or “desperate” response.
Because you’ll have the experience that GIRLS ARE EVERYWHERE. And ONE of them is not really THAT important.
Not only will this attitude and believe make it less likely to mess up with girls that are into you, but it will make you MORE ATTRACTIVE to most girls.
Which will give you a MUCH BETTER problem to have.
When you switch from the unhelpful, “I-hope-I-don’t-lose-her” thinking to the MUCH more helpful, “hmm, which one should I choose?”
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