Tag Archives: Universe

Model of The World – Your Share of The Infinite

Why are you here? No, not here reading some article on the internet, but here, on this particular planet, at this particular time?
Have you ever thought about it? Maybe as you gazed up into the stars at night and realized with stunning clarity just how miniscule we are on this planet, at least in the physical sense. Or perhaps when you were sitting in traffic, on the way to that job or school that isn’t all what you’d hoped. Or perhaps when you found yourself in the middle of a task, perhaps one initiated by a superior. You somehow lost the focus, and just shrugged it off and went through the motions.

This article is one in a series on different models of the world. You can read through the others at your leisure.

The Model for today’s article is the Metaphysical Expansion/Contraction Super Conscious Model.

In the beginning, or one of the beginnings, was a super highly concentrated ball of energy that contained all the energy and matter (including the 70% or so of ‘dark matter’ that physicists are still looking for.) Keep in mind that matter and energy are the same, as shown elegantly by Einstein’s “E=mc^2.” This ball of highly concentrated energy is/was pure consciousness. It/He/She/We was all that there is/was/will be. Then the consciousness decided to expand itself, so it could find itself.  Through the billions and billions of aeons, this consciousness fractionated itself into different particles, which evolved into galaxies, solar systems, planets and finally life.

Life on this particular planet evolved to create conscious, sentient beings. That is, we are aware that we are aware.

This universe that we live in will keep on expanding until it reaches a point where it starts to contract. Kind of like a pendulum swinging back and forth. Then finally, in another kajillion aeons or so it will collapse back in on itself, re-concentrating into a ball of pure consciousness/thought.

Then it/she/he/we will go through the process again and again.

The purpose? Because it/we/they/she/he finds pleasure in finding itself. The whole expansion and contraction of the universe is one cycle in who knows how many that the infinite consciousness does again and again because it finds pleasure in it. And that is repeated on every level, at every stage, on every size.

The infinite consciousness finds pleasure in overcoming the false boundaries it momentarily created in order to experience the joy of finding itself.

Think about that. Let that sink in. Have you ever been totally afraid to do something, and then as soon as you started, the fear vanished and turned into excitement, perhaps even bliss? I remember the first time I went skydiving. I was terrified. I thought I would pass out I was so afraid. But as soon as I leapt out the plane, it was the most exhilarating experience of my life. Fear immediately turned into excitement and bliss. How many situations can you think of where excitement and bliss were just on the other side of fear? Can you think of anything more powerfully exhilarating that being able to step through fear?

As you try this model on, you’ll naturally realize that all the people around you are really a manifestation of the same thing. Regardless if you know them or not, or even speak the same language, you share the same sliver of consciousness. The same ‘stuff’ that finds pleasure in finding itself.  So when you see somebody that you are interested in, by assuming this particular model of the world is true, they cannot help but to be thinking the same thing about you.

If you take a few moments, and just act as if this model is true, just a little bit, can you get in touch with that sliver that is part of the super consciousness that fractioned itself into? Can you quite your mind just long enough to listen to your truth? Our truth? In every chest beats the same heart. If you know that in every mind rests the same fears, how many ways can you realize now, that as you calm the fears of others, you automatically calm your own? As you reach out to others, you are really reaching out to yourself?  Try this model on for size over the next few days, you might be surprised what you’ll find.


How to Create Reality to Match Your Desire

What would be the odds of flipping a coin twice, and getting heads both times? One out of four, or 50% times 50% (1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4).
How about tossing it four times in a row and getting heads each time? One in sixteen, or (1/2×1/2 x1/2 x1/2 = 1/16).
How about ten times in a row, and getting heads each time? A little over a thousand, or (1/2)^10.

How about the odds of hitting the random button on wikipedia and hoping to get an article on the Klingon language? About one in a million?
What about the odds of winning the California state lotto? About one in 13 million.

Of all the billions of people that have lived in the world, are living in the world, and will live in the world, what are the odds that you happened to have been born in an age of unprecedented communication technology which allows you to read blogs like this one? A billion to one? More?

Of all the of planets that exist in the universe, how many can support life? How many of those can support human life?

Starting from just before the big bang, when all there was was a pure concentrated focus of pure consciousness, what were the odds that it would explode and trigger  billions upon billions years of interstellar and planetary evolution to create that which sits and reads these words? They are to staggering to even begin to try to comprehend.

The miracle of the universe is not the unlockable secrets of physics that make it all simple to understand and predict. It is not the incredibly improbable events after improbable events that led to life on this rock we call earth. It is not the connection of machines spanning the world that can send messages between citizens of different countries at the speed of life. It is not even the message itself.

The miracle is you.

Of all the possible outcomes that could have resulted from all the interstellar and biological activity since the dawn of time, here you sit. Reading these words. Having thoughts in your head. Thoughts that can create wonder if only you direct them in the right way.

You are constantly on the cusp of eternity. Reality is continuously being created before your eyes. You have two choices. Watch it unfold, or make it unfold.

Which do you choose?

All it takes is to just project your thought out, just only a little bit. Go into every situation and imagine the outcome just a few seconds ahead of where you are.

For example, you are walking down the street. You see a cute girl or guy. Instead of wondering if you should smile, or hoping that they smile first, all you need to do is hold a powerful image of them smiling. Only just a second before you would normally smile. This will naturally make you smile, which will naturally make them smile to match the image you created. If you create a strong enough image, it will become reality.

Try it. You will be amazed at the results you’ve easily created.
