Category Archives: Social Skills

Develop Powerful Listening Skills

Have you ever been talking to somebody and had a feeling that they just ‘got you?’ Like somehow you felt like this person really understood you, like this person was really concerned for your best interests? Like somehow this person was able to see who you really are? That made you feel pretty good, right? Of course it did. That was because this person, either on purpose or because they were simply a natural, was practicing great listening skills. How would you like to be that person, and make others feel really good whenever they are around you? Well, listening is easy if you know how to do it. Which you are about to. Ready?

Step One.  The most important part is to listen not only with your ears, but with your eyes, your mouth and your whole face. You want the other person to be able to see you respond to them as they speak. Professional speakers will gladly tell you how important feedback is.

Step Two. Make sure to face the speaker with an open posture, and to maintain good eye contact. You want to be looking into their eyes about eighty percent of the time. This lets them know that you find them interesting.

Step Three. As they are speaking, form a picture in your mind of what they are saying. This can help you to naturally get involved in the conversation.

Step Four.  If you find that they are voicing an opinion that you happen to disagree with, instead of thinking of arguments against it, try to find common ground, or at least try to see things from their point of view.

Step Five. Ask good questions. If you’ve read my article on open ended questions, you already know how to do this. If you haven’t, I recommend that you check it out. It can make the conversation flow and you can be the star of the party.

These quick techniques will not only immediately boost your charisma, but they will also give you great social confidence, because everyone loves somebody like you that knows how to listen.

Please be sure to check back often, as I will be updating this site frequently. And please feel free to share this with others, because everybody can benefit when you increase your skills, right?


Five Easy Steps to Powerfully Abundant Confidence

How would you like to be able to walk right up to somebody HOT, somebody that you used to think was out of your league, and easily and spontaneously start up a witty conversation that will have your friends bursting with envy?

How would like to powerfully and authoritatively speak up in a group whose conversation has taken a wrong turn and needs your gentle yet firm correction?

How would YOU like to be the one that your friends push to the front of the group and say “You go talk to him, YOU’RE the confident one!”

Ah but there’s a slight problem, isn’t there? Or rather I should say, wasn’t there? Because you’ve read this far, you can slowly begin to understand that all those imaginary things that have been stubbornly standing between your desires and their natural and powerful expression can quietly fade off into the distance.

And I can show you how to tap into your power in five easy steps. Ready?

Step One:  Start slow. That’s right. Push yourself just a small bit. Push isn’t even the right word. Let your truth just peek out, only a little bit. Each time you step over the line, just a little beyond what used to be your limit, is clearly a strong and substantial victory. One millisecond of eye contact with somebody you think is attractive is plenty.

Step Two: Celebrate your accomplishments. This is crucial. After each victory, find a quiet place and remember it. Visualize it. Re-live it. Thank yourself. Really feel good for what you’ve done. Replay it a few times, telling yourself that you did a good job. The brain likes it when you talk to yourself nice like that. Because it starts to figure out ways to get more good feelings.

Step Three: Only give yourself permission to be able to decide what’s appropriate for you. Don’t accept other’s judgements, or what you might believe to be their judgements. Their opinions belong to them. Let them keep them. If they can give you good feedback that will help you grow and change, great. Otherwise, thanks, but no thanks.

Step Four: Accept that other people’s responses also belong to them. If they do something that you weren’t expecting, or you wish had been better, accept it.  Give the gift of allowing them to be and express themselves just you are starting to learn to master.

Step Five: Be kind to others before they even think to ask. Your confidence and ability to truly and deeply appreciate yourself will automatically skyrocket as you begin to see people as opportunites to create happiness wherever you go.

Once you start to practice these on a daily basis, your confidence, attitude, and postive energy will unquestionably increase. And one of the wonderful side effects of this is that you will notice people around you look at you and talk with you differently, and even total strangers will come up to you and try to think of ways to start a conversation with you.


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