Monthly Archives: December 2017

Float Your Ideas Into Their Brain

Two Levels Of Truth

There’s a big difference between knowing something and truly understanding it.

There are a lot of “truisms” about life that people hear and repeat over and over.

Trouble is, we hear something so many times, it sort of “feels” like we “know it.”

But then we experience it in a deep and personal way, and have a completely different understanding of it.

But when we try and describe that deep and personal understanding, it sounds EXACTLY the same.

For example, everybody has heard the statement, “first believe it, then you’ll see it.”

People hear that, nod their heads knowingly.

“Yeah, right on brother!”

But few people have ever actually EXPERIENCED that.

Once I went rock climbing with a buddy of mine.

They rate climbs like they rate earthquakes, on a logarithmic scale.

A 6.0 climb, for example, is twice as hard as 5.0 climb. Just like for earthquakes.

At the time, the best I could do was a 5.4, maybe a 5.5 if I was feeling extra confident.

So my buddy says, “Hey, let’s do this one climb before we go home. It’s easy. It’s only a 5.4.”

I said, sure, no problem.

And like he said, it was easy.

But he’d tricked me.

It was really a 5.8. And he didn’t tell me until we were finished.

Had he told me before, I’d have been too scared.

But because I THOUGHT it was only a 5.4, it was easy.

First I believed it, then I “saw” (or experienced) it.

That experience, of BELIEVING something is true BEFORE you actually EXPERIENCE it as true is much different than spouting all the popular “Law of Attraction” statements that everybody knows.

Here’s another one that everybody knows, but at the same time, few have experienced.

“You can get anybody to do anything so long as you convince them it was their idea.”

No doubt, you’ve heard this a billion times.


But few people can actually do this.

Because this requires doing something that is pretty difficult.

Which is NOT take credit for their actions.

But if you can momentarily turn off your ego (which is the part of you that wants credit for your idea), you really CAN get anybody to do anything.

And it is MUCH EASIER than most people realize.

So easy that once you learn how, it’s a good idea to never, ever share these techniques.

Learn More:

Secret Agent Persuasion