Being flexible is always better than not being flexible.
Well, it’s never a good idea to say something like “always.”
(Or “never” lol).
For example, there are some mathematical formulas that everybody BELIEVES are absolutely true, but nobody can prove them.
In fact, there a couple million dollar REWARDS for anybody who CAN prove these things really ARE true for all numbers.
Generally speaking, being flexible is a good trait.
Touching your toes without bending your knees.
Thinking of different ways of achieving the same goals.
For example, a guy who can think of a couple dozen business ideas is generally going to do better than somebody who has only one.
One of the more useful ways of being flexible is in your thinking.
The more “meanings” you can give an event, the more resourceful you’ll be.
Of course, this “meanings” have to be grounded in reality.
If you miss the bus and you decides that “means” there is an intergalactic conspiracy against you, that might not be a good way to frame the event.
One of the places where meaning is the most flexible is in social situations.
In those situations, being able to hold a strong frame (choose a specific meaning and stick with it) is more important than people realize.
Simply because most people are not very good at this (choosing a meaning consciously and sticking to it) being able to do this will significantly increase how favorably people experience.
Which people?
All people.
Job interviewers, guys and girls, people on the street, waitresses, bartenders.
When you “radiate” the energy of somebody who KNOWS what’s happening, and NOT the energy of somebody who “hopes,” people will experience you must differently.
Now, not only do most people not even think about these things, but to the extent they do, they assume this “energy” is something some people have, and some people don’t.
Luckily, being able to cultivate and consciously project that energy is a skill.
And by simply doing easy exercises and journaling, you can build up that skill.
So much that people will hardly recognize you.
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