Category Archives: Flexibility

Alien Invasion

Stop Trying To Push Her Buttons

Most people think in terms of checkers.

They want something, and they to know how to get it.

Sometimes, this is easy.

If you want a snack out of a vending machine, you put in the right amount of money, and push the right buttons.

Simple checkers logic.

Linear “cause and effect.”

But some things are much more complicated.

Which means getting what you want will require a bit more thinking that linear “cause and effect.”

But even the most complicated things follow a certain set of rules.

Otherwise, we would be living in a completely random universe.

And since we’re not, there IS a repeatable strategy to get pretty much anything.

But sometimes that strategy can be pretty complicated.

Much TOO complicated for those who only want to insert right coins and push the right buttons.

But for those who are willing to stretch their brains, getting what you want is pretty easy.

Even if it’s the interest of an attractive woman.

All you’ve got to do is the right things in the right order.

What things?

Getting her feeling the right emotions in the right order.

How do you do that?

Most people go about it the roundabout way. Trying all kinds of different “techniques” that are supposed to be like “pushing buttons.”

But that can be hit and miss.

Instead of just pushing buttons, think about slowly moving her emotions.

Slowly increase one, wait for it to peak, and then slowly increase the next one.

This is much more like playing an instrument than pushing buttons on a machine.

How do you move her emotions in the right order?

By telling her the right stories in the right order.

Which stories are those?


Hypnotic Seduction

Get Your Game Tight

Haphazard Seduction Patterns

Most people think that men and women are attracted to different things because men are visual but women are not.

This is only partially true.

It IS true that men and women are attracted to different things, but the “visual” part is not the whole story.

Men are attracted VERY QUICKLY. And that which makes us attracted is available to use visually.

Women, on the other hand, become attracted more slowly. And that which makes them attracted comes in through MORE sensory organs (sight, sound, hearing).

But that doesn’t mean they are less visual.

For example, she can tell VISUALLY from across the room whether you are confident or not.

How you move, your posture, etc.

But that’s not ENOUGH to make her physically and sexually attracted to you.

She needs to feel a lot of emotions in the right order.

Most guys try to create these emotions haphazardly.

They go the old school way, flowers, nice dates, etc.

Or they try “game.” Push pull, cocky funny, etc.

These CAN work, but they can also backfire.

It would be like trying to bake a cake blindfolded, only knowing that there is some mixing and cooking in there somewhere.

Most people don’t know WHY cocky and funny works, or WHY push-pull works.

Luckily, there is a much more efficient way.

One where you can create the right emotions in the right order.

This would be like baking a cake without the blindfold, with a step by step recipe.

Once you got the right recipe down, you can bake as many cakes as you want.

Over and over and over and over and over.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Seduction

Claim Your Castle

Rid Yourself of Approach Anxiety

Humans and chimps share 98% of our DNA.

It’s believed that humans and chimps split apart six million years ago.

Plenty of studies have shown that when you stick a few people in an unknown situation, we’ll organize according to a hierarchy.

What hierarchy?

It’s one thing we humans know how to do instinctively.

No language needed.

We just kind of look around, and figure out who’s “most likely” to be a good “leader.”

It’s usually the guy (or sometimes the gal) who seems to know what’s what.

Who has the look that he’s got everything (or he knows he will have everything) under control.

Nobody needs to teach us how to do this.

When they study chimps, they find there is a strong correlation between social status and sex.

It’s almost like each generation is a “social status contest,” with the winner being the one who sends his DNA into the future the most.

When girls go out looking to meet guys, you better believe they are also using this same instinct.

To see who’s “in charge” and who isn’t.

Females seem to be MUCH BETTER at this than guys are.

They can quickly scan a room, and find out who’s confident, and who’s not.

Who’s nervous, and who’s not.

This is why it feels (or can feel) so “on the spot” when you approach.

So by the time you walk over there, no matter WHAT you say, she will have ALREADY come to a few conclusions about you.

And as I’m sure you know, first impressions are HARD to change.

So why not make a good one?

Make SUCH a good impression so that no matter WHAT you say to her, it will work to IMPROVE your attraction.

How do you do that?

Remove all that junk in your mind.

That internal chatter that makes it seem like YOU need to present yourself to HER for approval, instead of the other way around.

After all, YOU are the one who is sending your DNA into the future (at least that’s what your genes think!)

Ditch the unhelpful beliefs, and claim your true power.

Learn How:

Zero Fear Game

Wow Woman Want You

How To Ditch Scarcity For Good

What’s your biggest issue with women?

Most people come up with something right away.

Not enough quality women.

I don’t know what to say.

I don’t have the right clothing.

I’m too….(whatever).

But in reality, that’s not the real issue.

This is common among ALL human “issues.”

Therapists have known for centuries that when people show up, the first thing they say as the “problem” is never the problem.

When married couples fight about the toilet seat, it’s never really about the toilet seat.

So, back to women.

What’s the ONE THING that would make EVERYTHING easier?


Meaning have ZERO FEAR.

Just imagine this for a moment, for the sake of argument.

Imagine being able to walk up to any girl, anywhere, any time, and talk to her like you’ve known her for years.

Any feelings of “scarcity” would disappear.

Most guys, when they get ANY kind of positive response from a woman, they hang on for dear life.

Because it’s so rare.

But if you literally have ZERO FEAR?

You can talk to any girl any time without worry.

If she shows even a HINT of trouble, eject and find somebody better.

The cool thing is she’ll SENSE this.

Just like girls can sense it when you’re hanging on for dear life.

But when you have ZERO fear?

You’ll never worry again.

Just the act of going outside to meet girls is EASIER than trying to figure out what the heck she mean by that text.

Very few men are like this.

Most men operate from a scarcity mindset.

And women know this.

Which is exactly why they act the way they do.

They can get away with it.

But, since a ZERO FEAR man with ZERO scarcity is so rare to them, they will always be on their best behavior.

Learn How:

Zero Fear Game

Rock Solid Wall Of Confidence

How To Become Unshakeable

Many people wish for fame, and then crash and burn when it happens.

There’s no shortage of Hollywood stories of actors who had it all, but are secretly living self-destructive lives.

It’s also a curious thing that fear of success is just as much an inhibitor of fear of failure.

This also comes across when people fail to set goals.

When setting goals, you’ve got to consider four things.

Present positives, present negatives, future positives, and future negatives.

It’s very easy to focus on the present negatives (the things we don’t like about our current predicament) as well as the future positives (the thing we want).

But we rarely consider what we might be leaving behind, as well as the “bad things” about our future we haven’t considered.

Very often, these have to do with feelings of “social safety.”

One thing we are always worried about (consciously or unconsciously) is being judged by others.

Taken to its extreme, EVERYBODY in the world might judge us negatively, and kick us out of the club.

So the MORE people you interact with, the stronger this “worry” is going to be.

So if you don’t have a rock solid sense of self, this can wear on you.

Unfortunately, it’s not something we can easily predict.

If any of your goals ARE tied to increased social recognition, the closer to your goal you get, the more you’ll feel this underlying worry.

How can you avoid this?

Well, the most popular way is to just play it as safely as possible.

NEVER do anything outside of your comfort zone.

But this is pretty boring.

A more enjoyable (and surprisingly easy) alternative is to slowly build up the STRENGTH of your frame.

To get a rock solid idea of who you are.

AND to simultaneously build in a metaphorical “defense shield” so no matter WHERE you are, and who you are around, you’ll feel safe and at home.

That way, no amount of future fame and social recognition will shake you.

Become Unshakeable:

Stop Manipulation

Mountain Climbing

How To Easily Redefine Yourself

There are a lot of “truisms” that pretty much everybody knows.

But at the same time, these same “truisms” are rarely experienced by anybody.

We hear them all the time, and we see people say them with conviction.

This gives us kind of a “fake” knowing that they are true.

For example, few people would argue that there’s no air on the moon.

We’ve seen pictures of guys in spacesuits, and we can sort of imagine that without any “atmosphere” there’d be no air to breathe.

But suddenly finding ourselves on the moon and gasping for breath would be a completely different experience.

Right now, when somebody says, “there’s no air on the moon,” we nod and agree.

But if we had the EXPERIENCE of not being able to breathe on the moon, we would respond COMPLETELY differently to the same statement.

This is the difference between “hearing” those truisms over and over and thinking that we “believe” them and actually experiencing them.

One of these famous “truisms” is that “most of our fears or false.”

Or somebody famous once saying, “My biggest fears in life have never happened.”

While we would all AGREE that our biggest fears are “false” very few of us have any experiencing PROVING this “fact.”

But anybody that has been in any kind of “group therapy” or to any type of “AA” meeting KNOWS this.

Part of the process is admitting some of the horrible things you’ve done.

Things you’ve kept bottled up forever.

Things you think will make people want to banish you from society.

But then you say them, and everybody looks at you passively.

Finally the leader says, “Thanks for sharing. Anybody else?”

Just like that, your biggest fear, gone.



Maybe a couple nods from a couple people, but that’s about it.

This is what happens when we tell the world who we really are.

We are TERRIFIED they will reject us.

TERRIFIED they will banish us.

But no matter HOW we “define ourselves” the response will be the same.

“Oh, OK. Cool.”

Sure, we might have to repeat ourselves a couple times to certain individuals, but that’s about it.

So, how would YOU like to DEFINE yourself?

Or RE-DEFINE yourself?

Because here’s another “truism” that is super easy to “prove”:

The world will treat YOU just like YOU treat YOU.

And YOU can treat yourself however you want.

Learn How:

Stop Manipulation

Healing Energy

What Is The Meaning Of You?

What does “meaning” mean?

It’s a squishy concept.

It’s worse because some meanings are “easier” to accept than others.

Just like some food is “easier” to eat than others.

For example, if you’re hungry, there’s a couple things to consider.

One is how “easily” you can get the food.

Another is how “good” it will taste.

A third is how “healthy” the food is.

But since the “healthy-ness” of the food is not dependent on ONE single meal, it’s easy to dismiss.

So let’s say that in our hypothetical example, “healthy-ness” is a concern, but not a very big one.

So we’ve got two choices.

A big juicy cheeseburger (or your favorite fast food) which can be in your hands in less then five minutes.

OR you could go the grocery store, buy the ingredients, and cook something that’s as tasty, and a little bit healthier.

The cheeseburger is the EASIER choice.

But it’s also pretty clear that there is a better choice, that is also MORE DIFFICULT.

It’s the same with meaning.

The meaning we give to events when there is no way to really KNOW what the meaning is.

You smile at somebody and they don’t smile back.

What does that “mean?”

The EASY meaning is that they aren’t interested or attracted to you.

It doesn’t require a lot of brainpower. (Like eating the cheeseburger doesn’t require a lot of cooking power).

But could there be a BETTER meaning?

Unless you are going to go ask them, (and prove yourself right or wrong) why not?

If eating certain foods can (even though it’s a bit more difficult) keep us healthier, and even ALIVE longer, what about thinking specific thoughts?

Choosing specific, or at least, more helpful meanings.

Certainly, it’s not easy, it’s not automatic, and it takes effort.

Just like choosing healthy food to put in our body isn’t easy, isn’t automatic, and takes effort.

But the benefits are enormous.

Health, long life, more happiness, better sleep, better (more) sex.

What is the MOST IMPORTANT meaning you can choose for your ENTIRE LIFE?

The meaning you apply to yourself.

This is the “meaning” you project to the world, all the time.

The meaning YOU give to yourself will impact every decision, every relationship, and ever act you make.

Sadly, most of us have meanings that were GIVEN to them by others.

And we just accepted them.

But we don’t need to.

We can shrug them off, and choose different meanings.

It’s not easy, it’s not automatic, and it takes effort.

But it very well could be the MOST IMPORTANT decision you ever make.

Learn How:

Stop Manipulation

Magic Fantasy Land

How To Leverage Ancient Human Desire

Once upon a time, humans had very little.

It was us and all the other animals.

Eventually, some clever caveman figured out how to sharpen a rock.

Another caveman figured out how sling that rock through the air.

And through this “action at a distance,” they could hunt much more effectively.

The next greatest discovery was the idea of growing stuff to eat, rather than chasing stuff.

Unless you’re stuck in a horror movie, plants don’t tend to fight back when you try to eat them.

AND if you plant them the right way, they’ll keep giving you food every year.

The next greatest invention?

There were a lot of small ones, but the one that REALLY made society explode was the idea of “potential stuff.”

Up until this “potential stuff” was discovered, people had to trade what they had for what they wanted.

For example, if you wanted a burrito, and all you had was a sack of horseshoes, you’d have to find somebody that both WANTED a sack of horseshoes AND had a burrito, preferably one that wasn’t too old and moldy.

Since trading a sack of horseshoes for a burrito was pretty difficult, they needed a “placeholder” for the horseshoes.

Something the guy could trade the horseshoes for, and keep, and then give those same things to the guy who had the burrito.

What was this invention?

This “potential stuff?”

This “placeholder?”

Money, of course!

Once people could trade their stuff for money and keep money, they could live a lot more relaxed.

This same process exists today, even though the chain of money from us to the makers of whatever we are buying is extremely tedious.

AND that nearly everything we buy is made from TONS of people. Just think of all the people involved in the production of the device you are now reading this on.

The engineers, the designers, the advertisers and marketers, all the scientists from hundreds of years ago that discovered the principles upon which this device is based.

Even the first dudes who invented written language are involved.

Every single “trade” from the dawn of time to the time you bought this device and everything you’ll buy today, involve the same process.

We want what we DON’T have MORE than what we are giving in exchange.

Every single time somebody trades something, whether it’s a few hundred dollars for a wired device, to kids trading baseball cards, the process is the same.

And the GREAT NEWS is that what they WANT is based on THEIR own subjective values.

Why is this great news?

Because subjective values are EASY to INCREASE.

And if you can INCREASE DESIRE for whatever you have, (or even for you) you will also increase the chances of them taking whatever action you want them to take, to satisfy that desire.

How, exactly, do you do that?

With These:
Hypnotic Sales

What Do They Know?

Make Them Fall In Love With You

Many kinds of skilled labor requires you have your own tools.

And you take them with you from job to job.

Other jobs give you the tools, and the training.

As an employer, which would you rather have?

Both have their own benefits.

If somebody’s already got the skills and the tools, they can hit the ground running pretty quickly.

On the other hand, they can also bounce if a better opportunity comes up.

If you train somebody and give them the tools, they might be a little bit more motivated to stay, especially if you had them sign a contract.

Which would you rather be?

Somebody that had the skills and the tools, or somebody that needed to be trained, and be provided the tools?

It’s nice to be in the situation where somebody IS willing to train you.

The problem is that this is the situation most people find themselves in.

Hoping to BE trained, and hoping to BE provided the tools.

Which means the person hiring you can pretty much pick and choose whomever they want.

Any company that has a good training system, and a set of tools to go along with it KNOWS they can be selective.

It’s generally as good idea to come as prepared as you can.

Already having the skills, and the tools.

What kind of skills and tools?

If you’re going to be rebuilding carburetors, that’s one set of skills and tools

But there is one set of skills (and tools) which work in nearly any business.

Even in most settings.

And those are communication skills.

Not just the skills to order a burrito at a restaurant.

But the ability to talk to anybody, and build up huge desire.

A desire for you, your ideas, your product and services.

This skill can get you hired, get you dates, get you upgrades to first class, and anything else that requires the decision of another person.

While everybody else is say, “pick me! pick me!” you’ll be telling wonderful stories that will make YOUR idea the natural outcome of ANY conversation.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Sales

Surrender To Your Inner Alien

The Pavlovian Energy Pattern

If you accidentally wore your shirt inside out, you’d feel pretty silly.

On the other hand, some clothes are purposely made so they can be reversed.

But the funny thing is that there really isn’t any law against wearing your shirt inside out.

It still works as a shirt. It’s probably the same color.

It just looks a little different.

Most people wouldn’t even notice unless you told them.

But most of us would be terrified if we did this by accident.

Because that’s not the way we are “supposed” to wear our clothes.

That’s one of the problems with us humans.

We think that once it’s been established that we are “supposed” to do things a certain way, that’s the way we do them.

Even if they are doing construction and you have to take a different route to work, it may feel strange.

But if you ONLY do what you ALWAYS do, you’ll ALWAYS get what you have ALWAYS got.

It’s seem obvious, on one hand, that if you want DIFFERENT results (or anything different in your life) you’ve got to DO something different.

One way to carefully break out of ANY rut is to NOT use things they way they are SUPPOSED to be used.

Maybe wear a pair of socks that don’t match.

Or get colored contacts and put a different color in each eye.

If only to PROVE if you do something “different,” the world won’t come crashing down.

After all, if you want to get some SPECTACULAR results, you’ll need to do things WAAAAAY differently than you have been.

If you want to eat something different, you’ve got to cook something different.

One of the most POWERFUL ways to use something different that what you are SUPPOSED to do is how you use your sexual energy.

If you know ANYTHING about NLP, then you know about anchoring.

That thing Pavlov did with his dogs.

He took their natural response to a natural stimuli (salivating to food) and CHANGED how it worked.

You can do the same with your sexual energy.

And since it’s usually in abundance, you can leverage it in MANY different ways.

Learn How:

Sex Transmutation